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Campaign examples of play

Discussion in 'PC and Console Simulations' started by TheRedBaron, May 25, 2004.

  1. TheRedBaron

    TheRedBaron Ace

    Jul 17, 2002
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    Ok... These are some examples from the previous campaign I ran...

    First off some German Orders...


    1- Full scale invasion of Poland to be begun immediately using all available resources.
    2- Army Group Centre to be reformed immediately and moved to the German/Yugoslavian border. Once in position troops to begin invasion of Yugoslavia to aid Hungarian, Rumanian and Bulgarian forces.
    3- Work to be completed on the aircraft carrier Graf Zepplin but not her sister ship, in accordance with Navy advice U-boat production to be maximised.
    4- In response to requests by Otto Skorzeny, the SonderKommando Reich force is to be used for the purpose of assassination of political leaders of countries opposed to the Reich. While the Fuhrer can see the benefit of the assassination of heads of state, he deems it unwise to waste resources on such heavily protected individuals and so wishes lower rank officials to be removed. The primary targets for such attacks are for the moment to be France and Great Britain. Operations are to be commenced as soon as possible.
    5- Political statement to be made to the world that the German nation officially declares a state of war between Germany and Poland due to the Polish governments reluctance to hand over the disputed Danzig corridor.
    6- Trade for Bauxite to be requested from Hungary as soon as German forces cross into Yugoslavian territory.
    7- Japan to be notified that should their trials of the Submarine Freighter prove successful then the Reich will happily trade anti-tank weaponry for the plans.
    8- Political statement to be made to the world that Germany will stand shoulder to shoulder with its allies in the Balkan region and hereby declares war on Yugoslavia.
    9- Message to be relayed to the Spanish that the Reich has insufficient paratroops to use them for what would be a ridiculously costly assault on Gibraltar. German tank/anti-tank/small arms designs will be available should the Spanish aid in any conflict Between the Reich and France.
    10- Research and Development to be geared towards solving the German problem of oil supplies. If possible a synthetic alternative to be produced.
    11- If possible all S.S. troops held as P.O.W’s in Danzig to be released and used for the purposes of propoganda against the “warmongering Polish peoples”.
    12- Army intake to be increased as fast as possible, all new formations to be sent as quickly as possible to the Reich’s borders with France and Belgium.
    13- As much as possible German production to be geared towards the production of war materials.
    14- All German naval vessels to be issued with orders to attack British vessels whenever possible.
    15- Wherever possible trade for food to be conducted with the Balkan states.
    16- Luftwaffe forces to be used as follows-Luftflotte 1 and 4 to be used in the invasion of Poland. Luftflotte 2 to be used to aid the invasion of Yugoslavia. Luflotte 3 to be used in defence of western German borders.
    17- Wherever possible production to be standardised, i.e one type of dive bomber, one type of medium bomber, one type of heavy bomber. This should allow production to be maximised due to economies of scale.
    18- Commander of U-26 to be awarded iron cross first class.
    19- Attempts to be made to determine the fate of U-52.
    20- Small arms to be shipped in small consignments to Iraq to arm rebel elements.
    21- French double agents to be supplied with fake plans for the invasion of France through Switzerland and with Italian and Spanish support.
    22- German ships in the Baltic to be used to support the attack on Poland and Danzig.
  2. TheRedBaron

    TheRedBaron Ace

    Jul 17, 2002
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    Next a leeter from the German player detailing Waffen-SS expansion... Dont get any ideas Stefan!

    To: The Fuhrer.

    From: Gruppenfuhrer Paul Hausser, RHSA HQ, Berlin.

    RE: Expansion of Waffen-SS.

    At the present time the Waffen-SS consists of the following organised combat force;

    Liebstandarte Adolf Hitler *

    SS-VT formations are;

    Standarten Deutschland *
    Standarten Germania *
    Standarten Der Fuhrer *

    Totenkopfverbande formations are;

    Standarten Oberbayern
    Standarten Brandenburg
    Standarten Thuringen
    Standarten Ostmark *
    Standarten Danzig (at the present time this is POW)

    ( * troops who have combat exp.)

    My personal suggestions for this force re-organisation are based on my impressions of the Fuhrer’s wishes for the use of the Waffen-SS in the future and the combat experience so far in Poland. If the agreed cease-fire were attained then it would be possible to entrain the SS units for Germany by the end of the week. It is my belief that in a short period of time the LAH could form the organisational basis for the first Waffen-SS combat division. If the Fuhrer can allow further time for organisation it would seem possible to start the basis for three other divisions.

    I hereby propose an increase to the LAH to brigade size, fully motorised, to allow further expansion to divisional size. Increasing to brigade size would allow the unit to undergo the expansion and re-training of recruits, and be combat ready for deployment to Rumania within four weeks. The increase in manpower can be from suitable candidates in SS-VT units without lowering LAH selection standards.

    By withdrawing all SS formations it would be possible over a three-month period to establish three divisions of similar size to army units. However to gain the manpower it would require the lowering of admission standards to meet recruitment needs. Although it will be possible to keep the high selection standard for the LAH, any wide increase in SS troop numbers will eventually require the lowering of selection standards. Although I see the benefits of maintaining these standards, combat losses will soon force the change upon us. This will happen quickly in a period of prolonged warfare. Himmler does not seem to realise the need to lower selection requirements and I prevail to the Fuhrer to make him see sense. By re-organising the units in the following manner will allow us to establish three re-enforced brigades, which will allow us to filter in new recruits and bring those brigades to divisional size within six months. I stress however to do this will require removing SS formations from combat theatres for some time. We will have the LAH at brigade size with which to witness combat performance and when the other divisions are ready, LAH can be withdrawn and brought to divisional size. The organisation could take the following form;

    September 1939 – all units withdrawn to bases in Germany.
    October 1939 – LAH becomes motorised brigade ready for combat by the end of month.

    During this month Deutschland will combine with Oberbayern and Ostmark to form Brigade Das Reich, which will convert to a motorised division. Germania will combine with Brandenburg to form Brigade Totenkopf. Der Fuhrer will combine with Thuringen (and Danzig when released) to form Brigade Gotze. They will receive six months re-training and integration of new recruits.

    March 1940 – Re-designation of brigades to divisional size.
    April 1940 – withdrawal of LAH brigade to reform as division and commitment of new divisions to OKW order of battle.
    June 1940 – LAH re-designated division and re-admitted to order of battle.

    Following these guidelines would allow us to field the following Waffen-SS units by the summer of 1940. The re-organisation of LAH to division from brigade may well take less time depending on combat losses sustained in the intervening time period. Both motorised divisions will include a panzer formation and be fully motorised.

    1st SS Motorised Division Liebstandarte Adolf Hitler.
    2nd SS Motorised Division Das Reich.
    3rd SS Grenadier Division Totenkopf.
    4th SS Grenadier Division Gotze.

    Future expansion may allow us to increase the number of divisions and upgrade existing divisions to Panzer or Motorised designation. However to do this will require a greater level of supply and new equipment than we presently receive. I would urge the Fuhrer to act over army restrictions to the supply of Waffen-SS units. All units apart from LAH suffer from having to use old and foreign equipment. Our SS-VT units are equipped almost the same as units from the Great War, relying on the MG-08 as support weapons and the ZB-38 as squad support, due to the army insisting on a lack of MG-34’s for our supply. It is my belief that we have the basis for many highly trained and motivated combat divisions but we should act quickly to ensure adequate supply of modern equipment to them.
  3. TheRedBaron

    TheRedBaron Ace

    Jul 17, 2002
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    Next uo some Presidential Directives from the USA...

    Office of the President of the United States
    to Combined Department of Armed Forces.

    Presidential memorandum, effects to be implemented from as dated.

    The constant infighting between different military departments from before the start of the 1914-1918 war, has effectively lost America her aeronautical leadership gained by the work of the Wright brothers, and therefore hampered the creation of an effective military air force as put into effect by other nations. Even the efforts and protests of persons with such forethought to see the need for such formations, have in the past been rejected, such as the “disgraced” General W. “Billy” Mitchell, unjustly hounded from active service for his radical ideas.
    Mitchell is to be reinstated at his former rank, to the United States Air Force General Staff, heading the research, development and procurement committee.

    The US Army is to integrate half of the former Air Corps personnel, some 13,000 officers and support staff, for it’s Close Air Support Wing, along with 1,000 Air Corps aircraft.
    The US Navy is to integrate 6,000 personnel with 450 aircraft from the Air Corps, for the navy’s carrier air wing.
    The US Air Force is to be founded with the remaining 7,000 Air Corps personnel, and the 550 remainder Air Corps aircraft. The USAF will be bolstered by a minimum further 25,200 personnel, with orders for an initial 1,950 aircraft, supplied as received.

    With recent technical developments by certain European nations, that have left similar American technologies redundant, like stated above for aircraft, a program of Bureau of Global Intelligence - United States Military (BGI-USM) research/investigation is to be implemented.
    This program intends to ascertain the latest technologies being employed and deployed by foreign military forces, with this information, American technologies can be improved, ensuring that, not only can we provide stronger and more effective equipment for our military forces, but also with gained knowledge; train our armed forces in the weaknesses and limitations of any forces being deployed against them.
    Effectively this would allow our forces to overcome any opponent more easily, countering and defeating any opposition equipment and weapon systems, and also reduce the number of lives lost due to inadequate, inefficient and faulty equipment.
  4. TheRedBaron

    TheRedBaron Ace

    Jul 17, 2002
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    Some USA orders...

    US Orders for turn 3

    R&D: Contact Igor Sikorsky, based at Stratford, Coll. for heading a department for the development of rotary wing aircraft, and the development of his 1931 patents, and the development of his VS300 that he flew recently for the first time (14 September 1939). Re-open his company (closed ’38) under government contract, offer service staff. Assign FBI surveillance and security. Department is to receive up to date, yet screened, design information, including patents, acquired design plans/test results, stolen/liberated examples, e.g. Germany’s Fa61; first flight in ‘36, and publicly demonstrated in Feb ‘38
    Department to be located at the (Army) Test Flight Center at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio.
    Agents in England to acquire Frank Whittles 1930 patent designs, designs and notes on his Jet Engine (including designs for afterburners, turbo props and turbofans), and notes from 1937 first test run. Offer Whittle position leading a department for us in US!
    Acquire Spitfire examples (about 10) and possibly designs, from British.
    Acquire Radar designs from British, as previously verbally agreed beforehand, else “acquire” them.

    Papers to Joint Chief of Staffs for US Armed Forces; detailing the standardization of ammunition for armed forces:
    Officers and NCOs to receive standard issue side arms (.44 Colt Automatic)
    Browning .30 cal Machine Gun, Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) and variants, Garand .30 cal Semi Auto Rifle to be issued as standard, and to utilize same cartridge and/or belt type.
    Browning .50 cal Heavy Machine Gun and Browning Automatic Rifle - Anti Tank (BARAT)
    to be issued as standard, utilizing same cartridge types.

    Field Report requests: All agents deployed to foreign munitions and war-factories:
    Return acquired details and specifications on following vehicles:
    Tanks, Fighters, Bombers, Transport planes, Submarines, Aircraft carriers, Battle ships.
    Armour, Armament, Range, Technological advancements and innovations etc. are priority.

    Orders to USMC in Finland; complete defensive structures, maintain garrison, regroup remaining forces to port and embark to Danzig.

    Pacific forces are to be reorganized into forces comprised of the following:
    USMC detachment*, USMC Air Support Unit, USN Patrol/Torpedo/Gun boat squadrons, USN Submarine squadrons, USN PBY flights, USN Sunderland -(Transports, Anti-shipping/submarine, and radar early warning roles). Ground based radar units, Radio units*. Units marked * are to receive and integrate SORT trainee classes.
    These groups are to headed jointly by Marine and Naval officers, coordinating local patrols and defense strategies within assigned areas. Deployed bases of operation are to extend perimeter lines, excluding local populace and non military personnel.

    Response to FBIs earlier report; Monitor Swedish Merchantman, when next contacted by his “controller” intercept all parties, non lethal arrests to be made, shooting to kill only in self defense.
  5. TheRedBaron

    TheRedBaron Ace

    Jul 17, 2002
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    A 'Top Secret' letter from the British to the US President...

    Top Secret

    To - The President of the United States of America.

    From – Winston Churchill, British Minister for War.

    Following the troubling events in the Balkans and the unexpected violent Soviet response which has since transpired, I felt it necessary to discuss some thoughts with my esteemed colleague across the Atlantic.
    Since the unscheduled deployment of troops to France the British public has instigated change in the formulation of the Government. It is from my new post of Minister for War in the new Coalition, that I write to you. Britain’s Government is now looking at the future with the seriousness it demands. A new professionalism and ruthless energy is born out of the need to survive the impending disaster.
    To this end I feel it worthwhile in discussing points of parallel interest with you in the hope that our two nations may maintain global security and stability.
    My first thought is that Britain can ill afford a war at the present time. Although we possess a highly professional, modern army, it is small. Much of our strength is spread through our vast Empire. Britain therefore needs a period of calm before the storm to secure its military strength in a major campaign overseas. To this end Britain has made peace moves towards Germany (see attached document, For Your Eyes Only – Destroy After Reading), aimed at bringing the war in Poland to a rapid conclusion. By offering Germany some reward, the cessation of the ‘Polish Corridor’, Poland will remain intact and secure. Germany’s attention is divided to his oil supplies and it seems likely that Germany and Russia will bleed badly in a confrontation in the Balkans. For a small loss, Europe may gain valuable time while its two would be oppressors battle it out in the Balkans. This period of calm could allow nations to build forces capable of containing any threat. This is the best time for the free world to unite against undemocratic rule. The two bugbears of recent politics, fascists and communists, will never cease when they go to war. They will struggle till one dies and then, hopefully, by that time Europe will be ready, and peace in Europe will be secured. How then can we help each other?

    In my previous position of First Sea Lord, I oversaw the operation to deploy our troops to Finland. The professionalism and spirit of the American troops I met when I visited Dover, as British soldiers were boarding US transport ships impressed me. What surprised me the most was the working relationship established by the officers on the ground and feel that this may form the basis of any future joint deployment. It is hoped that we may establish some form of American military infrastructure in Great Britain, while increasing Canadian military forces. This would allow deployment by joint forces to almost all locations on the globe and would allow us to promote peace and stability to the world. Joint operations would give valuable military experience to US personnel in theatres as diverse from the jungles of the Far East to the deserts of Persia. Due to Britain’s vast Empire we are forced to carry out many police actions to maintain regional stability. So troops could be trained and benefit from actual experience without Europe descending into war. To give up part of Poland is to secure all our homelands from further ravages.

    Britain has much to offer a favoured ally. Since the Coalition formed much has already begun. We have many projects that I am told you would be interested in joint research. Perhaps we could share the secrets of British radar with you or futuristic engine designs for planes. But in return for these ideas and genius, the US would have to help with the enlargement of British Armed Forces. Perhaps some form of Lend-Lease, Plans for Planes I like to call it!

    In the future we will have to face Soviet or Nazi aggression. One nation may be able to stand alone, but a powerful coalition may be able to secure the globe under their beneficial guidance…

    Finally, I offer a suggestion for your excellent Marines in Finland. On the 2oth September, I hope hostilities will cease in Poland. Troops of a nation neutral to all sides would be of great help in assisting that the cease-fire is adhered to. I have several ships ready to transport your men from Helsinki and stores are being provided by the BEF stationed there who will accompany you to Danzig, where we shall disembark in the early hours of the 20th. I envision a purely policing role but we will operate in close liaison with both the Polish military and the German military. Might as well get a look at their operations and equipment up close as it were! The Poles have also offered all downed German aircraft for neutral inspection.

    I look forward to your reply.

    Yours truly,

    Winston Churchill, British Minister for War.
  6. TheRedBaron

    TheRedBaron Ace

    Jul 17, 2002
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    And finally a teletype message sent to the USSR from the US President...

    In response to your withdrawal from the Finnish borders, I hereby order the return of all Soviet stock, holdings and other monetary investments, currently held within US jurisdiction. The return of these commodities will commence exactly three weeks from the date of this communique, so long as your military forces remain within your territories, and no military action is taken against the sovereign state of Finland. I must warn you, premier, that the US has undertaken to deploy members of her armed forces to the area, and ANY action that results in the loss of American life, will result in retaliatory military action, of unlimited extent.
    In reaction to your handing over ********************************************************************************************************************, I welcome your straightforward and swift answer to this terrible action. In response to this, there will be no action, nor retaliation taken by the US.
    I must forewarn you that the US government will be prosecuting the case, pursuing the death penalty, in reaction to the loss of some 200 US citizens. The trial will be held immediately, to get this awkward matter dealt with and behind us as soon as possible.

    Parts deleted due to secrurity reason... :D
  7. TheRedBaron

    TheRedBaron Ace

    Jul 17, 2002
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    Hope that helps guys... :D :D :D
  8. Friedrich

    Friedrich Expert

    Jan 24, 2002
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    Indeed, Red! That helps! :D

    But I'm just wondering about the Marines... how the heck did they make it to Danzig? Isn't there something called GERMAN BALTIC FLEET?

  9. TheRedBaron

    TheRedBaron Ace

    Jul 17, 2002
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    Via Dover and Finland...

    Dont ask, it all got very messy early on...

    The Russians invaded various countries, as did the Germans... But the russians sent their aircraft to help Poland... The British went to Finland to fight the Russians as did the U.S. Marines, in all the fast Liners they could find!!! Then the Russians withdrew and the Germans found the US marines coming to negotiate a ceasefire in Poland!!! The Germans had been held up in Poland by some nifty Russian aircraft and The French looking to invade western Germany, and Germany was also getting involved in a war in the Balkans, as Everyone done in that region invaded Yugoslavia, which was nice, oh and the russians invaded Rumania... para drops on oilfields, followed by German para drops in the same place... It all got rather out of hand rather quickly! But Poland ended up making an alliance with Germany ?!?!?! and started on the Russians... As you can see my last lot of players didnt make it easy for me... And then there was the Far East... But thats another story!!!
  10. E. Anderson

    E. Anderson Member

    Apr 25, 2002
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    Heheh.... I was looking in the middle of the post and I thought the campiagn had already started, AND it was turn 3! Well I shall not be tardy with my orders...
  11. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    How about Russians doing the Pearl Harbor before the Japs...

    Just kidding...

    ;) :rolleyes:
  12. Carl G. E. von Mannerheim

    Carl G. E. von Mannerheim Ace

    Jul 6, 2002
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    Watch yourself 'comrade'
  13. TheRedBaron

    TheRedBaron Ace

    Jul 17, 2002
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    Also working on economic stuff with a experienced campaigner brought in to play Poland... :eek:

    It will allow you to theme your outputs and research...
  14. Stefan

    Stefan Cavalry Rupert

    Jul 29, 2001
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    Hey, thats not fair, Poland has to be played by a dunce, can't have them winning in October 1939 can we?
  15. TheRedBaron

    TheRedBaron Ace

    Jul 17, 2002
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    hah hah! Who said its was gonna be a re-run!

    Had some excellent stuff for the next turns newspapers, the Yanks are delivering the goods...
  16. TheRedBaron

    TheRedBaron Ace

    Jul 17, 2002
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    Just to let you all know that with your replies for turn 1, you should get a Economics Module, that will allow you to control spending research etc. Poland has been of great help in working this out, so dont invade him too quickly! :D
  17. Carl G. E. von Mannerheim

    Carl G. E. von Mannerheim Ace

    Jul 6, 2002
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    When does the next turn begin?


  18. Carl G. E. von Mannerheim

    Carl G. E. von Mannerheim Ace

    Jul 6, 2002
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    Just got your email

    Look forward to that email tonight :D

  19. TheRedBaron

    TheRedBaron Ace

    Jul 17, 2002
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    All the orders are due to be in by the 4th JUne. It should take a day or so for me to write up the reports and some other bits and pieces, so you will recieve back your reports about the 7th. Then I will allow a week for orders to come back for turn 2.

    I have orders for several countries but waiting on a few...
  20. halder1980

    halder1980 recruit

    May 30, 2004
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    Hello all, I'm the polish player. I've been doing some things to help out now that i've joined up.

    I ask that all of you send me an email with your country and prefered email address. I wish to begin the design of a small website for the game for easier reference.

    Also if anyone needs help with OOB or other nation related questions pertaining to historical information, plz feel free to contact me.

    You can also contact me at the following
    AOL IM: PresHalder
    YahooIM: Simplemanof1980

    I have ICQ and MSN but only upon request will I open those.

    Email: Simplemanof1980@yahoo.com

    Josh (aka Halder)
    "How can I be so thirsty when I drank so much last night"
    "Where's my vodka"

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