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WWII Forums Online Book

Discussion in 'WWII Books & Publications' started by Spitfire King, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. Spitfire King

    Spitfire King Member

    Oct 31, 2007
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    Hi all, I don't know how this will be recieved but I have had fun with this type of project before in other forums, plus it gives budding and experienced writers a chance to write for fun. I propose starting a WWII Forum story, kind of inspired by the what if section thread "Where would you serve in WWII". So...it's 1939, the stage is set for one of the largest conflicts the globe has seen...where will you be? Add your plotline involving your character, weaving it into the story, by all means jump into a scenario already written by some one else, or create your own (who knows one pilot character may be picked up by that patrolling Destroyer captain)

    So it begins....

    Fog rolled across the college aerodrome, blanketing the small squadron of tiger moths, leaving only blurry shapes in the white. Warrant Officer James Blackwood shifted uncomfortably, leaning against the window frame staring into the white mist. Behind him one of his room mates turned off the radio.
    "So it's real then...we're going to war"

    James turned, rubbing his jawline,

    "Certainly looks that way" James' Australian accent sounded strange amongst his friends British cultured tones. He stretched briefly before sitting, looking at the other two young men.

    (I've left it open for anyone who wants to write into this scenario as the other two guys)
    Joe likes this.
  2. Stefan

    Stefan Cavalry Rupert

    Jul 29, 2001
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    Similar scenes followed across Europe, young men heard the news with mixed feelings as they wondered what they would do. Standing outside their OTC Barracks three students in Sheffield stared aghast as their friend informed them of the news.

    "So what do we do?" Asked one, "I mean, we should join up but I've got exams in three months. It'll all be over by then and I'll have wasted half the year. I'll be held back!"

    "Come on Pearson, don't you want a bit of excitement?" Said Barrett.

    "Well, I don't know about you chaps but I'm going to the Colonel, I've got my comission and I'm transferring to to the Yeomanry." The speaker smiled confidently, "Tanks are what wll sort the Jerries out this time, mark my words."

    "Better hurry, leave it much longer and it'll all be over," a noise behind Barratt made him turn around, "Sir!" The four snapped to attention as the Adjutant limped towards them.

    "Over by Christmas eh Barratt?" He smiled beneat his huge mustache, "I've heard that one before. I only volunteered at Christmas and still had 4 years to do this!" He tapped his leg. "Just make sure you all think long and hard, you'll all see action before long so take some time to pick which regiment you see it with. I think Bridle may have the right idea. In the last lot I saw those old tanks in action, get enough of them in one place and nothing is going to stop you!"
  3. von Poop

    von Poop Waspish

    Apr 21, 2006
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    Perfidious Albion
    I laughed at the distant preperations for war as I clambered into my time-machine, my arms filled with an overflowing collection of the fuhrer's hats.
    Those fools going off to war! Don't they know there's a fortune to be made in militaria!
  4. Spitfire King

    Spitfire King Member

    Oct 31, 2007
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    OOC: Nice strategy Von Poop, I'm in, where's my cut eh?

    James Blackwood stood alone in his room, looking at the papers in his hand. He'd been accepted into the R.A.F, his college background, his flight training had seen him into the door. He smiled wryly at remembering the interview, crowded hallways, a rush from everyone to enlist, uniformed figures moving at the edges of his vision.
    "If I may sir, I'd like to enlist in a fighter squadron" he had said. The officer had lowered his glasses and peered at him,

    "You and every other supposed pilot is asking for the same thing, don't you tell us what to do, we'll tell you"

    The door opening behind him broke him from his reverie, he clutched the papers to his chest, turning to the intruder. It was his college C.O. Charles Worthington Smith, the dark eyed leader clasped his hand warmly.
    "You've been posted eh? Where'd they put you?"

    James swallowed "234 squadron...Fighters..."

    "Fighters! you lucky devil! Me I'm off to bomber command, good luck James, your car's waiting, you got all your kit?"

    "Yes...I think so" He shook Charles hand again "Take care sir"

    "You look after yourself you bloody colonial" the two of the grinned at the hated nick name.
    "Yes Sir" James saluted, grabbed his kit bag and walked out into the fresh morning air, where a car was chugging away quietly. With a sigh James got in. He was on his way...
  5. Stefan

    Stefan Cavalry Rupert

    Jul 29, 2001
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    The car purred through towns and villages, passing Bridle as he clutched a bruise that was forming on the side of his face. "Bugger!" He allowed himself a rare expletive, "this isn't going to look good in front of the colonel!" Despite his misgivings he went to the interview he had arranged with his commanding officer.

    "So, Stefan, how are you?" The C. O. asked.

    "Very well thank you Colonel," he smiled politely, "you?"

    "Can't complain," a wry grin creased his face, "just got a call from the war department, who knows, may be a brigadier before this is over eh?"

    "Hope so sir!" The subaltern realised what a crawler that made him sound, "Sir, I wanted to talk about my transfer."

    "In good time, how are your brothers?" The other replied.

    "Well thankyou Sir, my oldest brother has volunteered for the RAF and is now in ground crew," Stefan smiled, "best he can do these days and it fits his experience."

    "Good, and your younger brother?"

    "Looking at the Navy," Stefan smiled, "not quite the thing I know but they will let him keep his beard, he is proud of it."

    "What about the other brother?"

    Stefan had hoped he would escape mention, "still in Texas Sir, I doubt he will be back anytime soon."

    "Yes, well, thats no reflection on you chaps eh?" He chuckled, "so, the yeomanry eh? Why?"

    "Well sir, the future is in tanks. I want to serve with one of the best, most modern units in the army and the Yeomanry seems like the best way to get there."

    "Good show," the colonel smiled, "I never saw you as a rifleman anyway. I shall talk to the CO and do my best, it may take a while but don't worry, you'll see some adventure!"

    "Thank you sir!"


    The young officer saluted and left the office with a smile on his face. Little did he know that four years later the war would still be going on and he would still be waiting to see a German soldier!

    (I think this is me bowing out until we reach 1944, ttfn chaps)
  6. Spitfire King

    Spitfire King Member

    Oct 31, 2007
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    James Blackwood stretched his tall lanky frame out of the car and stared at the aerodrome, the control tower to the left of him. He pulled his kit out of the car, and checked his orders. He was at the right place, but he felt small, lost, surrounded by British accents, his own Australian jarred in his ears whenever he opened his mouth. God if he could only hear a friendly voice!

    "You right there mate?" coming right on the heels of his thoughts, the Australian voice scared him out of his wits. He hastily dropped his kit and saluted to the Flight Lieutenant

    "Yes Sir, James Blackwood, Warrant Officer, I've just been posted" He dropped his salute and couldn't help staring at the F.L with curiosity. He was dressed in the dark blue of the R.A.A.F from home, but he had R.A.F Insignia.

    "Paterson Hughes, welcome to Leconfield, you can stow your kit over there, follow me"

    "Excuse me sir..." He stumbled to silence


    "It's just good to hear a familiar voice sir, if I may say so."

    Hughes looked at him for a moment, then smiled warmly.

    "I dare say it must" he clapped him on the shoulder, then moved off. James scrambled to follow...
  7. Spitfire King

    Spitfire King Member

    Oct 31, 2007
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    walking quickly, he fell in step beside the Flight Lieutenant, as they headed for the barracks. Opening the door the two of them entered, several of the occupants looking up at their appearance.

    "Right there chaps?" Hughes said
    Most of them nodded, except one who eyed them warily before leaving out the other end.
    "Don't mind Flight Lieutenant Griggs, he doesn't like Australians much. Can't say I know why. Give us a look at your orders."
    James mutely handed them over, trying to quell his curiosity about the others in the room. He kept his eyes on the wall.
    "Looks like you're with my flight, lucky. One thing, stick to my tail like glue. You may just see out the sortie...maybe. Understand?" Hughes looked at him sharply.
    "Y - yes sir" James stammered. Hughes nodded smartly and left him behind. Taking a deep breath James turned to face the rest of his squadron...
  8. Spitfire King

    Spitfire King Member

    Oct 31, 2007
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    The men looked up at, some grinning, others with complete indifference...James shuffled forward, looking around cautiously, spying a spare bunk, he quickly crabbed over to it. as he went to lower his kit onto it someone behind him yelled
    "What the hell do you think your doing?"

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