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Belgian leaders

Discussion in 'Leaders of World War 2' started by Vassilli, Jan 31, 2006.

  1. Vassilli

    Vassilli New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    I don't even know if there where any important or well known belgian leaders but if there where I would like to hear them... :cool:
  2. Quillin

    Quillin New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    Ghent, Belgium
    via TanksinWW2
    didn't i give you names? you are so hard to please :D , no just joking

    there was our king leopold the thirth who had a couple talks with Hitler (for talking about the release of prisoners and mayby for asking if the german occupied belgium didn't need a king)

    thre's jean baptiste piron. he created the Brigade Piron. a unit formed of belgiums in england.
    Staf the Clerq, leader of the political party VNV and collaborater

    Leon Degrelle (the biggest fish of belgium collaboration). was from the south of belgium (where they speak french). had also a political party called REX. after the invasion of the Sovjet Union he was allowed to form the Légion waloniene (a waffen SS unit). heself joined it as a normal soldier. he got the knights cross and was very popular with hitler. after the war he fled to spain. died on 31 maart 1994.


    here's a website with a couple of names (it's in dutch :cool: )
  3. Vassilli

    Vassilli New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    thank you very much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool:
  4. Vassilli

    Vassilli New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    but I don't understand this
    In juli 1944 had Verschaeve een ontmoeting met Heinrich Himmler waarbij hij poogde om de eigenheid van het Vlaamse volk tegenover de Reichsführer SS te verdedigen.
    Wat ging hij doen?
    Deze ontmoeting leidde, mede door het verloop van de oorlogsgebeurtenissen, niet tot resultaten.

    Eind augustus 1944 wordt hij door een SS-eenheid naar Duitsland geëvacueerd, waar hij adviseur wordt van de "Vlaamse Regering in Ballingschap" onder leiding van Jef Vande Wiele.
    waarom werd net HIJ gestuurd??
  5. Vassilli

    Vassilli New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    last question: could someone explain the political structure of belgium during the war because I a going cuucccuu on this subject.
  6. Roel

    Roel New Member

    Oct 29, 2003
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    Please pose your questions in English. I know that the source is in Dutch and that the person you're asking speaks Dutch, but this is an international forum of which the accepted language for international communication is English and it would be greatly helpful if all threads were equally accessible to all members.
  7. Quillin

    Quillin New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    Ghent, Belgium
    via TanksinWW2
    belgiums political structure during WW2 :eek: :eek:
    talking about a complex thing. i'll try to explain in a short post

    Belgium is not exactly a unity. in the north you got flanders (where they speak dutch) and in the south you got Wallonië (where they speak french) (we also have a small piece we got from germany after WW1)
    as you see, we aren't exactly one unity, we are divided by language, habbits, cultural...
    anyway, you must undestand that north and south have been seperated snce the middle ages and begium only exist since 1830. so it's naturaly that (even until now) there are people who want things like they used to be (flanders and Wallonie going there own way).
    so on one side you have the goverment and the king who are pro belgium. (nothing intresting to tell of their side since they were in London)
    then you have flemisch and wallonian parties who want to get rid of belgium. they speak of the "Vlaamse eenheid" and the "Waalse eenheid"
    VNV and REX where such parties. so they go to hitler or himmler once belgium was occupied and start nagging that belgium should be seperated.

    that's what Verschaeve did. he went to himmler and started nagging. saying that the flemish people were a people who were known since the middle ages and propably that it would be a great shame if the flemish would be part of germany. so i think he asked if flanders could be a small state, loyal to germany (like hungary, bulgary and rumanian).
    guess himmler agreed since in 1944 the flamish got there on goverment and like the belgium goverment, it wasn't in the country, it was on exile in germany. talking about a form of irony :D

    anyway, i hope this helps you. if it doesn't, well, it isn't a real problem. there are written a lot of books in belgium about it's political structure and still nobody has an idea how it works. and it hasn't become any simpler since WW2. we now have 4 goverments. one for belgium, one for Flanders, One for Wallonie and one for Brussels, our capital.[/i]
  8. Vassilli

    Vassilli New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    sorry roel and thanks qiulin
  9. Quillin

    Quillin New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    Ghent, Belgium
    via TanksinWW2
    no problem, we are all here to help each other

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