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Fallen Heroes of Normandy - An Introduction and Appeal

Discussion in 'Normandy Landing Beaches' started by Inarus, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. Inarus

    Inarus New Member

    Mar 18, 2013
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    via War44

    Fallen Heroes of Normandy is a project that will provide a free and complete (as possible) database of all those, of all nationalities, who fought and fell in Normandy, during the Second World War, and who are laid to rest in one of the many cemeteries, or commemorated on one of the memorials to the missing, on the battlefields of Normandy, France.

    The project is continually looking out for more information and, in particular, photographs of the individuals to add to the database, thereby helping ensure a complete a record as possible may be preserved for posterity. We are appealing to this community, and to any descendants or relatives, for information or images that may be relevant to the Project.

    This project will provide a valuable resource to this community, assisting researchers with an informative and visual history of those who fought and died.

    Please look at the fallen heroes blog/forum at http://fallenheroesofnormandy.wordpress.com/ for further details.
    All contributors will be duly acknowledged for their help in providing material for this valuable resource for the historical community.

    Feel free to drop me a Private Message or Email if needed.
  2. Jaap Vermeer MDE

    Jaap Vermeer MDE Active Member

    Dec 8, 2017
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