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Carl is back in the hospital

Discussion in 'WWII Forums News' started by Slipdigit, Oct 26, 2010.

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  1. macrusk

    macrusk Proud Daughter of a Canadian WWII Veteran

    Oct 14, 2007
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    Jeff, if you speak to Carl while he is off-line (my that's going to be tough on him going that long away from posting!) - please give him my best wishes. He will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  2. 36thID

    36thID Member

    May 23, 2008
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    Hang in there Carl !!

    Remember you promised me that burito next time I head your way !!
  3. Falcon Jun

    Falcon Jun Ace

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Get better, Carl. I'm confident you can pull through.
  4. AndyPants

    AndyPants Ace

    Feb 16, 2009
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    Just saw this now Carl, hope your out soon buddy
  5. wtid45

    wtid45 Ace

    Nov 5, 2007
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    All the best Carl, hope your back on the boards soon my friend!:) Jason
  6. Paul Errass

    Paul Errass Member

    Oct 28, 2001
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    Take care mate !! Give me a shout when you are back !!
    C.Evans likes this.
  7. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Well, thanks to all you Ladiess and Gents, im doing mucvh better. I forgot to post here yesterday at what went on.

    Last Sunday evening at about 8:30 PM, I had just returned home adfter doing a 35 minute exercise walk around the neighborhood. I got back home and started feeling dizzy, but went upstairs to put away the stuff i always ccarry with me-which is about 12 pounds worth of books, water, research materials and such. I went back outside to look for my Cat, opened the gate to the backyard area, started feeling very dizzy, so i left it open so the Cat could come out and go in the house.

    By the time i walked out of the gate, my legs gave way, i landed full force onto my right kneww, putting a dime-sized hole through several layers of skin-bleeding, and then i ended up on my rightside on the front lawn. It was about 30 minutes later when my brother just happened to come by and almost stumbled on me in the dark, called an Ambulance which arrived im glad to say in about 3 minutes.

    Anyway, I was very aware of things evne though the EMTs told me i should be in a Coma-because my blood-suger level was at 30. The EMt also told me that people die when their level gets that low-so I guess im very fortunate in the least. It was a good thing that earlier that day, that I met a nice Lady at a busstop who blessed me and i give her some credit as well ;-))

    On the way to Brackenridge hosp/ the EMT fed me some stuff from a tube that tasted like cake icing. Re read my blopod-level to 31 after the first batch had dissolved. Well, I got to the hops-feeling gross as i was sweaty from the waol, and now had dirts and grass on me and I wanted nothing more than to take a shower. Well, that was several houres later, but in the meantime, they started withdrawinig 3 tubes fro testing my blood-about every 30 minutes fro most of the night. I wound up not getting any sleep in the process. Next i had 2 IVs in me-one in each arm and a pic-line in my right arm as well.

    Finally my blood Sug level rose to about 75-and I was allowed to shower-finished that in time to go get my first of a series of x-rays and other scans done. The first day and a half i was allowed to eat normal meals-which-at this hospital-was like eatinig Gormet food. Then I was moved to an IC unit where I could be monitored all the time right from the nurses station.

    I was told that to try to find out more specifically what they need to know-i had to start a 3-day fast-all I could have is waterr and Sprite-Aero--which I actually liked. Anyway, I still had the IVs in me-pic-line and all, many many finger pricks for testing my suger level-these were every hour on the hour the ful time i was there-so my fingers all are purple from all the bruising fron the sticks. My arms look bad too.

    I did the 3 days no eating just fine and never really had any hunger pains. Before i was discharged, they told me they thought my medicine was causing the trouble. My body would be on a suger high, then suddenly drop for no reason. Well, they think it was one of my meds I was taking for my Essential Tremors problem. Since then, I have not taken that one med-and I have not had any dizzy spells or anything sooooo, im hoping very much that that is the case.

    Im not allowed to go on a full 30 or so minute walk just yet-but I am able to get about with a still sore right knee. I owe many people here more than my thanks and such and now hopefully, i can finally get their things in the mail ;-))

    Jeff was kind enough to call me on a couiple fo things one was onething that was on my mind from the second i was in teh hosp-whioch is whether or not i won a great photo of a German MG-34 Machinegun nest in winter-somewhere on the Eastern Front. That news greatly brightened my day ;-))

    I had internet access one day there and briefly-as my brother brought in his own computer. I wanted to let you all know more then but had trouble accessing certain areas of this site as well as my email accounts. Ray was a great help to me as well as Skipper and some others here.

    I know i act like the Class Clown on here from time-to-time but, you all are much like family to me and I greatly appreciate all your kind words. I wish there was a way to better show my thanks but I cant fuigure it out yet. Anyway, there are also several good folks here that i have been needing to mail things to, but cant because of this health issue thing gets in the way. Well, finally in nov, i can get a couple people the things i need to send, and will work on about 3-4 more in Dec.

    This site and another im i=on, im always thinking about and wished i had access when doing so, because i came up with some interesting things I thought you all might want to know, but, ive since forgotten what they were since i had nothing to write on.

    In about a month, i got back for two out-patient visits one to an Endochronologist (SP?) the other I cant even pronounce so Ill not try to ;-))

    Thanks again to you all and i know the power fo positive thoughts and prayers do help, i try to practice that too when i hear someone here has a health issue of somekind.

    Take care--Carl.
  8. Gebirgsjaeger

    Gebirgsjaeger Ace

    Jun 11, 2010
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    Hey Carl my friend,

    good to have you back! Hey and the rest will be good soon.
    Like to have a conversation with you about one cool topic and i mean cool in its usual sense. Think east Carl!

    Take care mate!
  9. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Hi Ulrich, thank you my friend and, I love all things Eastern Front ;-)) Hope you saw my newest cool E/Front photo? It shows a German MG-34 Machinegun nest in wintertime, the crew wearing sheepskin winter clothing and the view is of the battlefield from behind the gun and you can actually see a bit through the guns optics. How cool can that be? ;-0)

    Take care and, definately looking forward to spending time talking about the Ost Front ;-)) I gotta stay away from the Invasion Front though ;-))
  10. LRusso216

    LRusso216 Graybeard Staff Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    Carl, thanks for the medical update. Sounds as though they put you through a real workout. I hope your follow-ups give you a clean bill of health and they clear up your medications. Sometimes, that's the hardest part.

    Stay well, my friend.
  11. brndirt1

    brndirt1 Saddle Tramp

    Jul 7, 2008
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    It is great to hear you are back out of the 'horse-pistol', I too have a good one here in Billings that I use because of their food service. I mean it is better than some resturants, with in room delivery between 5 AM and 9 PM every day. If you want to have snacks in the off hours, they will stock the 'fridge at the nurse's station with things like frozen yogurt, regular yogurt, ice-cream, juices and some sodas (all depending on your menu restrictions).

    These med balancing acts can become a real hassle, I think I finally have mine correct, but I get blood work every six months or so just to make sure. Don't have blood sugar problems, never have, but some of them inter-act with others and then there are problems. So far this last year, everything seems to be "balanced" nicely.

    Glad to see you back on the board, and hope all remains "up to snuff" for you in the future. Stay well my friend.
  12. Biak

    Biak Boy from Illinois Staff Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    Hated to hear about your Sunday evening but glad to see your strength returning. Watch that blood sugar! and maybe only take a 20 minute walk :)
  13. Ken The Kanuck

    Ken The Kanuck Member

    May 16, 2010
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    Good to hear that you are among us once again. I was hunting last week and missed the thread so it was a nice surprise to be reading it and hit page 2 and see that you have been sprung.

    Get better soon.

  14. 36thID

    36thID Member

    May 23, 2008
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    You Texans are a tuff bunch.... Almost as tuff as us Missourians !!

    Good to hear your back after staring at all those nurses !! :D

  15. Skipper

    Skipper Kommodore

    Jun 6, 2006
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    Missourians ? Show me! :D

    Nice to have our good old Texan back on the saddle , it would be quite different here without his rodeos in the stump and his expertise in the militaria section
  16. MasterSrg Billy

    MasterSrg Billy recruit

    Sep 25, 2010
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    Wishing you all the best Carl, get well soon!
  17. theblackalchemist

    theblackalchemist Member

    Dec 30, 2009
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    I'm sure Carl is in tip top shape... as this thread is over a month old ;)

    Talk about thread necromancy....

  18. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    I think Carl should be busy shopping himself a new PC... ;)
  19. Slipdigit

    Slipdigit Good Ol' Boy Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    May 21, 2007
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    I talked to Carl yesterday. He's fine. He's just having internet access problems.
  20. OpanaPointer

    OpanaPointer I Point at Opana Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    Jun 5, 2008
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    *makes note to cancel autopsy*
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