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German Kriegsmarine in WWII, by Chris McNab

Discussion in 'ETO, MTO and the Eastern Front' started by ColHessler, Sep 3, 2019.

  1. ColHessler

    ColHessler Member

    Dec 5, 2010
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    Length: 192 pages, including index

    Mr. McNab gives us a thorough look at the German Navy of World War II in this work. He starts us with the aftermath of World War I in the scuttling of the High Seas Fleet at Scapa Flow, and the restrictions of Versailles. The efforts to circumvent them are detailed, culminating in the "armored cruisers" which the world came to know as "pocket battleships."

    There is also the Z-Plan, which if given a chance to grow, would have given Germany six large aircraft carriers, and six "cruiser carriers," with cruiser armament forward and a flight deck aft. That's in addition to the battleships and cruisers that would have made a significant challenge to the Royal Navy. Of course, Hitler, and Doenitz, were not patient enough, or willing to give up U-boats.

    The war at sea is gone over in familiar style, and the U-boat war, and the surface fleet, in all theaters, such as the Mediterranean and the Far East, and small vessels, is documented.

    I liked McNab's charts, which gave the fluctuating strength at all times. He also gives us at the end, the roster of Allied naval vessels, from battleships to destroyers, that the German's sank.

    If I have a gripe, it's that halfway through the book, he stops calling ships "she" and starts calling them "it." I'm old-fashioned about that, and prefer "she" or "her."

    Overall, this will give you a terrific picture of the fortunes and strength of Germany's naval forces. Give it a try.
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