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Hitler Had Stayed Allies with the Soviets

Discussion in 'What If - Other' started by AmonMauser, Nov 30, 2008.

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  1. AmonMauser

    AmonMauser Dishonorably Discharged

    Nov 30, 2008
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    D-Day would have failed, first off Hitler could have deployed all the soldiers/resources that he put into Barbarossa to strengthen Fortress Europe from the Allied invasion, secondly the Russians could have helped him.
  2. Firefoxy

    Firefoxy Dishonorably Discharged

    Nov 9, 2008
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    You're pic reminds me of The schindler's List for some reason.
    If that did happend-
    Hitler would have so much power behind him that the force would of been to great for the Allies.
    Hitler would of won ww2 but only in the countries that he allready invaded.
    England with America's help would of defened it self and never been over runed but the allies could not save europe from Germany and Russia.

    Warm Cheers
  3. JCFalkenbergIII

    JCFalkenbergIII Expert

    Jan 23, 2008
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    You might like to flesh out your "What If?" :).

    The What If… Forum is designed for discussion of alternate history scenarios based on actual events. Because of the nature of the What If… section, it has additional rules and guidelines that govern its use in compliance with the general WW2F.com Forum Rules.
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  4. von Rundstedt

    von Rundstedt Dishonorably Discharged

    Nov 11, 2007
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    I feel that we need a lot more background information on how someone like Adolf Hitler could stay allied for want of a better term with a regime that he despised as he hated communism, how was he convinced that to say on good terms.

    Also if Adolf Hitler stayed on good terms with the Soviet Union and had no intentions to invade and thus waisting so many men then why would he not invade Britain or at the very least send a major deployment into North Africa (for me the major deployment would be at least 60 to 80 divisions included in thins would be at least 10 panzer divisions and a full Luftflotte).

    Just deploying those men in to build up Fortress Europe sounds like a grand plan but it is filled with some major flaws like how to maintain such a large Armed service without impacting on the ecconomy as this alone would bankrupt Germany very quickly, how do you fight the cancer of boredom.

    And then you propose that the Russians help Hitler, the last thing that Hitler wanted is to have Russian troops in western Europe especially on German soil and the spoils of war that any co-operation that ensues.

  5. Firefoxy

    Firefoxy Dishonorably Discharged

    Nov 9, 2008
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    Sorry, but the guy who started this thread , he put it in the what if colum *i think* ;)
  6. Za Rodinu

    Za Rodinu Aquila non capit muscas

    May 12, 2003
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    The Third Reich and Soviet Union were not allied, therefore the premise for this What If is invalid.

    Full text here: Modern History Sourcebook: The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, 1939

  7. JCFalkenbergIII

    JCFalkenbergIII Expert

    Jan 23, 2008
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    Not to mention that IF the Germans and Soviets were "Allies" there would not be any build up of "soldiers/resources" to deploy for Barbarossa as there would be no need for it. There would not be a Barbarossa. So they would not have been needed. Why build up for an operation that would not have existed? Then of course Barbarossa was implemented in June of 1941. Months before the US entered the war and Hitler declaring war on the US. In this "What If?" how would Hitler know about the US fighting Germany or that there would even be a D-day? What need would there be for all the forces and resources to be in France in 1941?
  8. resq

    resq Member

    Nov 29, 2008
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    Yeah, that was not possible. Two countries had different ideologies, ideologies fighting witch each other. Hitler always treated Russians and other eastern nations like under-people, in fact he wanted to castrate them to make sure they won't have kids. Sure it was long term plan, but still. Anyway alliance with soviets was impossible, it was only agreement to participate east Europe, and some trade agreements.

    I think even if Hitler wouldn't declared war in 1941, then Stalin would do that, of course not in 1941 cause he wasn't prepared, but maybe 1942 or 1943 because he wanted the whole east and south Europe. They were like two guys shaking hands, but in the left hands they had baseball bats holding it behind their backs. Sooner or later one of them would get tired of holding it, and he would use it.

    Don't think so. Cause they didn't make army just to attack Soviets. Even if Hitler wouldn't planned Barbarossa he was making army to make Reich strong, and for instance invade Great Britain. The program of developing army was started before Hitler had Barbarossa in mind. In fact before he officially broke the Versailles Treaty he was developing army on the Soviets terrain, training manoeuvres and such. I remember seeing video with a lots of German tanks training, in times they officially couldn't have tanks. So it was long term plan, and he would have the same army even if he did not planned invading Soviets. But that just my opinion :p.

  9. Mussolini

    Mussolini Gaming Guru WW2|ORG Editor

    Sep 10, 2000
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    Festung Colorado
    Does not meet What If requirements. Closed.
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