Hello everyone! I created this thread to help me with a part of my story Desert Rats, I didn't post this question on the thread made specifically for the story because I want to truly focus on the writing and creation of the story rather than the research part. Anyway, my knowledge on Italy in WW2 is basic at best, I know of the major operations they took part in, and generally understand their contribution to the war. As far as details, I don't know nearly as much. I know much more about the Italian Air Force and Navy, than I do about the Ground Forces. I know what Italian uniforms look like, and the small arms they used, but if you asked me to name a single Italian tank or armored veichle..........I got nothing. Long story short, what tanks and vehicles did the Italians have, or more specifically the Italian 133rd Littorio Armored division during the Second Battle of El Alamein in October of 1942? Thank you for any answers!
I also don't know much about Italian armor, but I did some research and found this Notably the Semovente da 75/18 self-propelled gun had equipped the Littorio a somewhat wider tactical repertoire, (Knox, MacGregor (November 2000). Hitler's Italian Allies, Royal Armed Forces, Fascist Regime, and the war of 1940-1943. Cambridge University Press. p. 153.) 133rd Armoured Division Littorio - Wikipedia You can also check here to see what fits Carro Armato M14/41 Maybe useful? Littorio Division insignia
Thanks Lou! I had checked Wikipedia, and wasn't very satisfied with the info within, but the Carro Armato link looks promising.
If you need more info on the Italian aspect of North Africa, you could drop by comandosupremo, a site dedicated to Italy's participation in WW2. Bon chance.
The Littorio Division consisted of... IV Battaglione Carri(M). 133rd Reggimento Corrazato. XII Battaglione Carri(M). 133rd Reggimento Corrazato. LI Battaglione Carri(M). 133rd Reggimento Corrazato. each with 3 fighting companies and one headquarters company. They were armed with a mix of M14/41 & M13/40. Also.. XXIII Battaglione Bersaglieri Autoportati XXXVI Battaglione Bersaglieri Autoportati XXI Battaglione Bersaglieri Armi Accompagnamento Contro Carro. Compagnia Artieri I Gruppo. 133rd Reggimento D'Artiglieria II Gruppo. 133rd Reggimento D'Artiglieria DLIV Gruppo. Semovente DLVI Gruppo. Semovente 1st Squadrone. III Gruppo. Novara Lancieri. 5th Cavallero Reggimento 2nd Squadrone. III Gruppo. Novara Lancieri. 5th Cavallero Reggimento 3rd Squadrone. III Gruppo. Novara Lancieri. 5th Cavallero Reggimento CDVI Gruppo Contro Aereo Kind Regards, David.