We all know the Luftwaffe had no official nose art, though several airplanes carried personalised nose art design. Many others had the official Geschwader emblem + sometimes a little extra. Hahn is a famous Ace which could be easily recognised But other crews sometimes had their own design... The translation could be Pants bullshitter or pants buzzer (brummer means buzzer/hummer but also bullshitter . Sowas dummes = so stupid .
interesting thread ...thanks.......the humans like to show off--display their individualism......I wonder how all the paintings, ID, insignia lasted through the extremes of the temperatures the aircraft went through.....the metal I can understand...... .great picture of the 190....it looks made for speed and power only...the canopy looks more sleek than a lot of US planes
On Me-110 http://www.worldwarphotos.info/gallery/germany/aircrafts-2/messerschmitt_bf_110/messerschmitt-bf-110-nose-art/
There is also a nose art thread for allied aircraft which includes a couple of Axis planes too, but I only recently realised there was no specific Luftwaffe thread for this kind of popular art.
What about one with a congratulations card + a stencil. Gerhard Barkhorn painted his wife name on the plane. (http://www.luftwaffe.cz/images/barkhorn3.jpg)
Galland was not the only one . Horst Carganico, who recieved the RK on 25.09.1941 as an Oberleutnant and Staffelkpt. 1./JG 77. He had shot down 60 enemy aircraft when he struck high tension cables, crashed and died on 27.05.1944 in France. He used a very prominent Mickey Mouse character on his plane... http://www.feldgrau.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17626&start=2820