plain and simple, you people are trying to make nationalism as an EVIL thing--when it's not......nations go to war with other nations ....the fact is, including Germany 1939, a good portion of the nations' citizens do not agree with the leaders/leading parties/policies/etc ...nothing wrong with a country making policies for its own good = they all do it!!!!!
I've already given you several wars where nationalism played a part in their geneses. You may think you're discussing, but what you're really doing is waving away anything that doesn't comport with your views. That's not discussing, which is a two-way street. Your approach renders this "discussion" tedious and, in all likelihood, pointless. This will be my last reply to you. Enjoy your day.
Is being Aryan Not racial nor nationalĺ? Tell. Me why? If you were not you were dead. Sooner or later. Sorry to bring the National race thing alive but it was the main cue of Hitler. Kill the weird and disabled that rotten the German nation and race.
When we go to war we go for our land and forefathers. Not for ourselves. Did any officer say fight for your hamburger kiosk?? And we are eager to die for our country. Even 15-year old volunteers. Stalin, the evil man, made it war for Mother Russia although bolshevism has no country identity. Or Church.
Ok. Comment Putin and his urge to increase the Russian empire. Just By mistake? Next Eastern Ukraine? I cannot understand if you live in a country why would you want to join with support weaponry to Russia. We have thousands of Russians living here in Finland and they are happy here. No guns, no Rebels. Estonia has some 25-30% Russian population. Will they say they want Estonia Russian? What a ***** situation that would be.
Germany had to go to war because they were simply running out of money. Sitting down bought no Money. Just read what Schacht did for nazis. The rest of the nazi hierarchy was simply idiots. Propaganda wise perhaps good but otherwise not understood about financial things. Taking neighbouring Countries bought them time to build the Army.
......hahahahhahahaha ..I can name wars also --I can name hundreds of wars----you did not explain how nationalism started that war--you just named the war = ???? !!?? ....hhhhahahah---no, I'm discussing----your second paragraph is also not proven/without proof--just like your statement on nationalism ......more hahahhaa--I remember politely, civilly, etc discussing with Rich......he then got very upset and put me on ignore!!!!!! this is after I provided proof for my statements [ = he was throwing a tantrum with someone he didn't agree with ] -just like a child hahahhahahahahahahha my god, you people are very uptight --Takao and I get into ''discussions'' [ hahaha ] all the time and he's man enough to stay in the ring plain and simple--when you just say something, that doesn't mean it's true--especially when you don't provide any explanation ...not only did you not provide any proof, you did not even go into a general explanation or detail ...let's simmer down.....this is supposed to be a polite, civil discussion ...ok, if hitler was in charge, there is a great possibility that Germany would never have went into Poland = it's not nationalism that started it, but a megalomaniac/megalomaniacS -- such as Pol Pot/etc underlines/italics for emphasis only--I would use bold, but some people would cry like a child about that
How many dictators say it is in the interest of the country to put people in jail? Very fragile verse, I think, in the wrong hands.'s the connecting issue and issues = you see all over the MSM everyday claims of this and that.....a lot of these are not only lies, they are opposite of the truth ..same with many posts I see in other forums = total lies/propaganda--the truth is the opposite ..I see it in the other forums I'm in = people claiming this and that---and they post this crap without any evidence or very questionable '''''evidence'' = so, it's only their opinion, not truth's one of the big problems of today's main issues --which is propaganda bullshit just like Goebbels used ....I've posted examples of this, here on WW2F some time ago
hahahhahahahaha.....I don't need to prove anything made the claim--you have to prove it...just like in a court case.....for example; people say '''you can't prove there isN"T a god'''.....hahaahhah .....the people who make the claim have to prove that--not vice versa've have some very upset people that go apeshit with this polite/civil/etc discussion--hahahhahahaha ...I'd like to see how you people would react to crazy stuff on other forums where there are major insults/etc.. ...I don't even ask for proof/detailed proof/etc--just an explanation to a claim.....hahahhahahahaha
We try to stay civilized and keep the insults as far as possible discussion can be heated but going to personal details is not discussion anymore.
Not that this has anything to do with nationalism...or maybe it does. People say "you can't prove there isN'T a god'', and other people say "You can't prove there is a god." So far, neither makes a very good case. BTW, you don't need to "prove" there is a god, you only need to get people to "believe" there is a god. As to "nationalism", my claim was it is neutral...People use it for good and evil. Or are you disputing this?
I've proven my claim that nationalism has caused wars in the past, by listing several historical examples. World War I: Serbian nationalism, followed in short order by Austrian national pride (read Tuchman). Vietnam: rejection of all outside domination based on nationalist pride. Hell, you could even look at the silly Soccer War and see how dumb patriotism can be at times. I refuse, however, to take anyone seriously when "hahahaha" is their go-to response, and who refuses to actually engage the points laid. That's simple trollery, and beneath me.