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Soldiers from your famlly

Discussion in 'Living History' started by Major Hubal, Sep 17, 2008.

  1. spark802

    spark802 Member

    Jun 12, 2010
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    Here's a pic of my Father who served in the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps in WW2. Northwest Eur and Holland.

    My Mother served in the Canadian WRENS.

    One of my uncles served in the Fort Garry Horse Regiment which adopted to tanks in the thirties. He went though the campaigns of Caen/Falaise.

    Another uncle went over to London as a firefighter.

    My fathers ride, England 1943. by david moug, on Flickr
    Clementine likes this.
  2. gunbunnyb/3/75FA

    gunbunnyb/3/75FA Member

    Sep 3, 2011
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    ok,backwards, me us army 1987-2001,dad,usarmy,1961-65(germany),his dad,wwI usarmy.not sure earlier service on that side.moms side her dad usarmy 1930's to just before 1940, discharged then became border patrol officer, he had two brothers in army one went to europe not sure where, the other was aaf mechanic under Dick Bong, other brother was in navy not sure which ship, his dad was army national guard (mo) was with pershing's little mexican tour,grandmother on moms side had two great uncles who fought in the us civil war.
    spark802, Clementine and urqh like this.
  3. leccy1

    leccy1 Member

    Aug 10, 2011
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    Grandfather in reserved occupation was in a local AA defence unit around South London manning 3.7".
    Grandfather in RAF grounded from pilot went back in the air as a AG finished up in Lancs, died in Aden in 1960 (served TA Infantry 1934 to 1938, RAF 1940 to 1960).
    Step Grandfather RM would not talk about his service.
    Father RAF last of the National Service (had been deferred but decided to join even though national service had finished and they said he no longer had to, 1960 to 1963), went to Libya with RAF Regt when they were doing mine clearance.
    Me Royal Engineer 1983 to 2007, lots of service around the world.
    spark802 likes this.
  4. Clementine

    Clementine Member

    Apr 6, 2011
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    My mother's father was in the RAF and was shot down and killed, along with all but one of his crew, in March 1942.

    My father and three of his brothers fought in WWII. My nephew is currently serving in the US Army, and my son was in the National Guard.
  5. Clementine

    Clementine Member

    Apr 6, 2011
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    My mother's father was in the RAF and was shot down and killed, along with all but one of his crew, in March 1942.

    My father and three of his brothers fought in WWII. My nephew is currently serving in the US Army, and my son was in the National Guard.

    (My father's family came from Ireland and a number of ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War and Civil War - and all wars in between, I am sure. There was a Civil War battle held on and around land owned by a distant relative, it is referred to as the Battle of Cloyd's Mountain.)
  6. scipio

    scipio Member

    Jul 8, 2011
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    Great Grandfather, 11th of Foot (Became Devonshire Regiment) - 2nd Afghan War 1880 and Third Burma War 1890-92. Then Home Guard WW1.

    Another Great Grandfather (believed but not confirmed) Matabele War 1890, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe).

    WW1 - Grandfather 15th Welsh Regiment (Somme and Paschendele) other Grandfather Machine Gun Regiment (Gas and wounded at Loos), Great Uncles KIA, 13th Royals Welsh Fusiliers (Albert 1918) and another Royal Artillery (Somme 1917)

    WW2- Father 2nd Cheshires, Two Uncles Navy, One Uncle Regiment unkown Far East (at surrender of Japanese in Singapore with a beautiful samurrai sword to prove it), One Uncle RASC (Burma), Uncle KIA - 44 Royal Marine Commando (Burma).
  7. Biak

    Biak Boy from Illinois Staff Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    Good News! My Cousin's Daughter is HOME! Just received word that Amanda is safe and sound & resting comfortably & hugging her four year old daughter back at Ft. Campbell after a year in Afghanistan. I see a HUGE fish Fry this summer when she comes here for a visit. Welcome Home Captain!
    USMCPrice likes this.
  8. muscogeemike

    muscogeemike Member

    Sep 18, 2010
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    Great, Great Grandfather, Sgt Thomas Scott: US Army, Civil War and the Plains Indian Wars - 1864-80.
    Great Grandfather and Grandfather, William and Luther Staggs: together in WWI, France.
    Uncle, Claude Rose: US Navy, WWII, Pacific.
    Myself: 25 years in the US Army including Viet Nam.

    Note: My wife was Assiniboine (Sioux) Native American who had relatives at the Little Big Horn, so my sons have ancestors on both sides of the Sioux Wars.

    “Ask any man of this century (20th) what he has done to make his life worthwhile - the best will say I’ve served (in the military).” JFK
  9. USMCPrice

    USMCPrice Idiot at Large

    Nov 15, 2009
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    God's Country
    Very good news Roger, I'm glad she's finally home.
  10. Ron Goldstein

    Ron Goldstein WWII Veteran

    Feb 15, 2007
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    Just an update of my brothers & I


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  11. SwissGill

    SwissGill Member

    Feb 20, 2011
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    My cousin Johnstone Christian Dalzell, born Northwich, was shot down as a pilot. Both he and his younger brother trained in Canada. I was born in 1942 and remember his standing next to my pram although everyone in the family don't believe me.

    He was Johnstone Christian Dalzell of The RAF Volunteer Reserve and was shot down during the Leipig mission 20 2 1944.

    My grandfather, of German extraction, was born in Rotherham, Yorkshire but taken back to Kocherstetten in Germany to be baptised. I only learned of this lately and am happy now to know he had visited his native country, if only for a short time. He was devastated to lose his first grandson.

    I now know why he seemed to be very "German". He died in Northwich, Cheshire in 1950.

  12. Cjmiller74

    Cjmiller74 Member

    Feb 7, 2012
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    Grandfather- Sgt. Herman E. Miller,US Army, 779th Tank Battalion 1944-1946
    Grandfather- Andrew "Cedric" Fleming, US Navy, Pacific (still researching)
    Father- Sgt. Larry J. Miller, US Army, Vietnam 1968-1970

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