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The Spy; Russian Resurrection 2012

Discussion in 'WWII Films & TV' started by JeffinMNUSA, May 21, 2013.

  1. JeffinMNUSA

    JeffinMNUSA Member

    Jun 7, 2008
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    The Spy 2012
    [​IMG] Spy [Шпион] - Russian Resurrection 2012 - YouTubeSubtitled on HULU. A good thriller on par with Gorky Park-about a NAZI plot to hoodwink Stalin about Barbarossa, and the dedicated Patriots who attempt to foil it-and come to grief for their efforts. It is a fact that Stalin and the whole Red Army were totally surprised on June 22, 1941, and there might actually be something to this "agent Wasser" plot. For certain there were letters sent; https://www.cia.gov/library/center-f...talin_Knew.htmhttp://www.history.ucsb.edu/faculty/...hewNeal073.htm A hard and honest look into the inner workings of the Soviet Secret Police-the NKVD later the KGB-and you can bet there are some Stalinist true believers none too happy with this film.
    PS. Some Russki humor;
    Jokes about Stalin usually refer to his paranoia and contempt for human life. Stalin's words are pronounced with a heavy Georgian accent.
    Stalin attends the premiere of a Soviet comedy movie. He happily laughs and smiles during the movie, but when the movie ends he suddenly asks, "Well, I liked the comedy. But why does that clownish character have a moustache just like mine?" Stalin says. Everyone is speechless and someone sheepishly suggests, "But Comrade Stalin, maybe the actor shaves off his moustache?" Stalin replies, "Good idea! First shave then shoot."
    Stalin reads his report to the Party Congress. Suddenly someone sneezes. "Who sneezed?" Silence. "First row! On your feet! Shoot them!" They are shot, and he asks again, "Who sneezed, Comrades?" No answer. "Second row! On your feet! Shoot them!" They are shot too. "Well, who sneezed?" At last a sobbing cry resounds in the Congress Hall, "It was me! Me!" Stalin says, "Bless you, Comrade!"
    A secretary is standing outside the Kremlin when Marshal Zhukov leaves a meeting with Stalin and she hears him mutter under his breath, "murderous moustache!". She runs in to see Stalin and breathlessly reports, "I just heard Zhukov say 'murderous moustache'!" Stalin dismisses the secretary and sends for Zhukov, who comes back in. "Whom did you have in mind with 'murderous moustache'?" asks Stalin. "Why, Hitler, of course, Iosef Vissarionovich." Stalin thanks him, dismisses him, and calls the secretary back. "And whom did you think he was talking about?"
    An old wench waited for two hours to get in a bus. Bus after bus came full and she couldn't squeeze herself in. When she finally managed to crawl in, she wiped her forehead, and said, "Finally, glory to God!" The driver said, "Mother, you must not say that. You must say 'Glory to comrade Stalin'." "Excuse me, comrade," the woman said. "I'm just a backward old woman. I'll say from now on as you told me." After a while, she said, "Excuse me, comrade, I am old and stupid. What shall I say if, God forbid, Stalin dies?" "Well, then you may say, 'Glory to God!'"[6]
    At a May Day parade, a very old Jew carries a placard which reads, "Thank you, comrade Stalin, for my happy childhood!" The Party representative approaches the old man. "What's that? Are you deriding our Party? Everybody can see, when you were a child, comrade Stalin was not yet born!" The old man replies, "That's precisely what I'm grateful to him for!"[6]
    Stalin and Roosevelt are arguing which country is more democratic - USA or Soviet Union. Roosevelt claims that every American can shout in the front of the White House "Down with Roosevelt". Stalin replies that in Soviet Union as well, everybody can shout in the Red Square "Down with Roosevelt".
    Some real Iosif Visarionovich humor (thanx and a hat tip to Saddle Tramp) Just for fun here is a part of an old post of mine. Taking into consideration the growing demand for oil, the Baku workers reached the record level of oil extraction in 1941, i.e. 23.482 million tons. Just in case Hitler’s troops were not stopped before they reached Baku I, Stalin entrusted one man with making sure that the Nazis could not avail themselves of the city’s legendary oil. This man was Nikolai Baibakov.

    By the autumn of 1942, before the battle in Stalingrad even began, the existing 764 wells were stopped up with cement and prepared for destruction and 81 sets of drilling equipment and pumping stations, together with the personnel were sent to East Baku (Baku II), on the opposite shore of the Caspian Sea.

    There is a rather amusing anecdote concerning Stalin and Baibakov, it may be apocryphal but sound a bit like Stalin actually. It is reported that upon issuing his order to Baibakov to keep the Baku oil out of Nazi hands he reportedly said; “If one drop of our oil falls into Hitler’s hands, I will have you shot. If we cannot reopen and start producing in that field when the war is over, I will have you dug up and shot again.”


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