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Special Operations Executive (SOE) Books, Training Films etc.

Discussion in 'Codes, Cyphers & Spies' started by Fred Wilson, May 6, 2013.

  1. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
    A thread dedicated to the British Special Operations Executive (SOE) Books, Training Films etc.

    Unlike Canada's Camp X, William Stephenson (Intrepid) and his British Security Coordination (BSC)
    there are many, many books printed on WW2's Special Operations Executive - many with extensive previews on Google Books.

    See: https://www.google.ca/#hl=en&gs_rn=12&gs_ri=psy-ab&tok=qzKWzcU9h-s_SVNkzfTMQg&ds=bo&pq=ww2%20SOE&cp=32&gs_id=i1&xhr=t&q=ww2%20Special%20Operations%20Executive&es_nrs=true&pf=p&safe=off&tbm=bks&sclient=psy-ab&oq=ww2+Special+Operations+Executive&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45960087,d.cGE&fp=7e0784e2d6253c02&biw=1117&bih=684

    Stay tuned...

    See also on our ww2 Talk.com sister forum blessed with such great choices as their Top Secret + Special Forces + Commandos and SOE & OSS forums which feature threads on:

    1. Special Operations Executive in Special Forces

    2. History of SOE Political Warfare Section, Force 136

    3. SOE missions in Germany? ME 61?

    4. ? This does not ring true in SOE & OSS

    5. Resistance fighter Raymond Aubrac

    Stay tuned... 2 B Continued
  2. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
    Some dedicated people are starting to convert a number of S.O.E. training films to YouTube, bless their souls.

    CAUTION: Do NOT drop in here unless you have a lot of free time. You Have Been Warned! [​IMG]

    WW2: Special Operations Executive 1 (14 Minutes)


    WW2: Special Operations Executive 2 (14 Minutes)

  3. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
    WW2: Special Operations Executive 3 (11 Minutes)


    WW2: Special Operations Executive 4 (11 Minutes)

  4. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Vernon BC Canada
    WW2: The SOE in Greece 1 (15 Minutes)


    SOE and the Gorgopotamos Bridge (45 Minutes)

    On the night of November 25th, 1942, British agents and Greek resistance fighters attacked a vital Gorgopotamos railway bridge in the heart of Greece. Its destruction was one of the most successful sabotage missions ever undertaken by the Special Operations Executive, not only cutting off supplies to Rommel's Afrika Korps, but disrupting Axis supply lines throughout the Balkans.

    Operation Harling was a World War II mission by the British Special Operations Executive (SOE), in cooperation with the Greek Resistance groups ELAS and EDES, which destroyed the heavily guarded Gorgopotamos viaduct in Central Greece on 25 November 1942. This was one of the first major sabotage acts in Axis-occupied Europe, and the beginning of a permanent British involvement with the Greek Resistance.

    Operation Harling was conceived in late summer 1942 as an effort to stem the flow of supplies through Greece to the German forces under Erwin Rommel in North Africa. To this end, the Cairo office of the SOE decided to send a sabotage team to cut the railway line connecting Athens with Thessaloniki.[1][2] Three viaducts were targeted, all in the Brallos area: the Gorgopotamos, Asopos and Papadia bridges. The destruction of the Asopos viaduct was preferable, since it would take longer to rebuild, but the choice would be ultimately left to the mission's leader.[3] The team would be under the command of Lieutenant Colonel (later brevetted to Brigadier) E. C. W. "Eddie" Myers of the Royal Engineers, "the only parachute-trained professional sapper officer in the Middle East", according to his second-in-command, Major (later brevetted to Colonel) Chris Woodhouse. After completion of the mission, the British team would be evacuated, leaving only Woodhouse, the Greek 2nd Lieutenant Themis Marinos and two radio operators to establish a liaison with the fledgling Greek Resistance movement.[2][4]

  5. Fred Wilson

    Fred Wilson "The" Rogue of Rogues

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Vernon BC Canada
    NOW IT CAN BE TOLD' AKA 'SCHOOL FOR DANGER' features actual SOE personnel recreating wartime training & operations. 1 Hour 9 minutes.


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