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Funny anecdote

Discussion in 'Eastern Europe' started by arca, Dec 19, 2014.

  1. arca

    arca Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    I had such a good laugh when I stumbled on this conversation, that I had to share it with people who would appreciate it. The following conversation took place at one of the 'Fuhrer conferences', in the first days of august 1943. Transcription is lengthy and I don't have it in digital form,so I'll summarize and rewrite only the mentioned part.
    Conference is opened by Hitler who expresses hid distrust in new italian gouverment and the need to raise an army to intervene and secure italy's loyalty. To create this army he must withdraw units from the east. Hitler and subservient Zeitler, chief of general staff try to bully or convince von Kluge for several pages to relinquish some units which he needs very much since he is under heavy russian pressure following their defeat at Kursk.Then it follows:

    Kluge: But I absolutely cannot spare any units until this operation has been finished. We'll see how we can mange things afterward.
    Hitler: You must see to it that you finish it as soon as possible. I can tell you this much: Gross Deutschland will be taken away in the near future, and secondly, you will have to give up a few units for that position down there.(Italy) You will have to give up a few panzer and a few infantry divisions.
    Kluge: Not Panzer! I have-
    Hitler: Yes, we'll pull them out and they'll be refitted in the west.
    Kluge: But I can't do anything without Panzer divisions!
    Hitler: But certainly you don't care about that 'junk'. You can easily spare that.
    Kluge: What junk?
    Hitler: You yourself said, 'That's just junk.'
    Kluge: I did not say that!
    Hitler: Yes you did, it slipped out. That's why we're going to take them away from you.
    Kluge: No , my Fuhrer, I didn't mean that. I have so little left, just a little bit.

    What a comedians :D
  2. Smiley 2.0

    Smiley 2.0 Smiles

    Dec 2, 2014
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    The Land of the Noble Steed
    LOL :rofl:
  3. KJ Jr

    KJ Jr Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    New England
    Interesting. Where did you obtain this transcript?
  4. arca

    arca Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    I found it in Alan Clarks 'Barbarossa the Russian - German conflict 1941-1945'
  5. arca

    arca Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    This story isn't funny but it's most unusual and appropriate for this time of the year.

    During one of the harshest periods of war in the east, following red army's counter offensive at Moscow Germans were on the run. Freezing, under nurished and frightened they were forcing deep snow trying to escape encirclement, all the while leaving trail off total destruction as they passed, torching every inhabitable position to deny shelter for equally strained soviet fighters and condemning local population of children and elderly to certain and painful death. In such circumstances on day before Christmas, lieutenant's Schaufler's unit, 5th panzer brigade entered town of Kromny,near Orel, after weeks of non stop fighting and retreating . Germans decided to have a Christmas ceremony in ruined church with a collapsed roof that was used as a storage by the Soviets. They cleared the snow, brought two spruce trees and built a make shift altar preparing for the modest celebration. In midst of those preparations a massage came informing them that Cossak cavalry unit as well as partisan units were converging on the town. Schaufer consulted with few friends and decided not to read the massage to the men, because he would acknowledge it then and ruin the celebration. The chaplain came and the mass begun. Schaufer was surprised to see that in the back a mass of people gathered in silence. They were inhabitants of Kromny who after decades of suppression of religion wanted to attend this event even if they didn't understand a word. German soldiers stood up and gave readings, atmosphere was quite sureal.
    When Schauffer looked around again he shuddered when he spotted a group of young russian man standing aside from the others. Their fur hats were still on and they were looking at german soldiers with burning hatred. Then it struck him - the telegram! They were Red army soldiers or partisans. Transfixed in horror he noticed one of the Russians standing little apart from the others. He had strong intelligent features and as all were kneeling he could see his well cut officer's boots. The man was probably their leader and was looking intently straight at Schaufer. In that moment Russian grandmother with white hair slowly went forward, knelt before the altar and slowly with trembling hand touched the cross. Schafer noted that he felt a change in a 'sinister' group standing in a darkness. The tensions lessened,and while priest was giving the concluding blessing, the group leader stepped forward, carefully removed his cap and slowly lowered his had.Hesitantly and nervously, as if fearing some punishment his man followed his example. Soon Red army soldiers were gone and Germans were still singing in the church.Soon the place slowly emptied and Schaufer was last to leave.Outside he saw a man in officer's boots. They looked in each others eyes for a long moment and then Russian man spoke first quietly in to his chin and than aloud in halting German: 'Christ ist geboren.' He was then gone through knee deep snow.

    (retold from Michael Jones ' The Retreat')

    Marry Christmas everybody!
  6. KJ Jr

    KJ Jr Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    New England
    Nice story
  7. KJ Jr

    KJ Jr Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    New England
    Side note.

    I enjoy your thread of funny anecdotes. Possibly a piggyback thread could be just small snippets of stories from various literature out there about the war (not just humorous). I find there are always 4 or 5 "scenes" from books that stick with me and support or cement ideas on various topics. I am sure many members would love to share them and their importance to their understanding of historical events.

    Just a thought.
  8. harolds

    harolds Member

    Aug 9, 2011
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    Good read arca! It shows the commies' "success" in eradicating religion and God from the masses! Humanity in the most inhumane activity. I like it! Merry Christmas, Peace and a happy new year to all!
  9. arca

    arca Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Thank you for your interest. I agree, I would also love to read more interesting stories. I started this thread with a funny story but of course any good one is desireable. Maybe interesting anectode would be better title for the thread..
  10. Smiley 2.0

    Smiley 2.0 Smiles

    Dec 2, 2014
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    The Land of the Noble Steed
    Wow that was a great story on post #5 arca. I would give it a like but for some reason it says that I have reached my quota of positive votes for today. So I will personally take the time to say that that was a great story and that I "LIKE" it.
  11. arca

    arca Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Haha thanks Smiley.

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