Worked for me, but then again, I have the movie on DVD. You can download the movie from the Internet Archive here: The Fighting Lady USS Yorktown : Twentieth Century Fox : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Different theater but also decent quality: HTML: <iframe width="550" height="400" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
If you have Netflix, streaming or DVD delivery I can without doubt recommend the series called WWII in HD. It is all color footage, with original color Kodak film and combat footage in ten episodes. From Darkness Falls to End Game. That is some of the best footage I've ever seen as it is (in some places) narrated by the participants themselves, and by Gary Senise in other situations. And NOT colorized for effect in any way. Here is the story of how it was found... Goto:
It never ceases to amaze me how often I see clips from Fighting Lady in other movies or documentaries. It's a great film and a real testament to the people that fought for the US.
The OP's link works fine using Firefox, although it does take a good while to buffer, and is slow to load. Use the link I posted in Post #3, download it free from Internet Archive and watch it later. No buffer to worry about, and no stopping every few seconds to continue loading.
I watched this documentary many times, it is on Youtube, look up the "Fighting Lady". It is broken up into 7 parts. the Fighting lady - YouTube