Thats because you spend too mch time looking at porn. When you surf porn sites be sure to use "in private browsing" least thats what I have been told
Have you tried wit a different search engine? if this does not work delete your cookies, it may help.
Skipio had the same logging problems until he followed my advice and he could log in immediately after, for as long as he wanted.
Can also be keyboard state when Passwords not accepted. Caps lock, Num Lock etc., or more commonly - laptop Numerical keypad switched on with a Fn key. But it's probably just the porn thing. ~A
Skipper's is absolutely right at least in my experience. Chrome is the best - you can log on, write a bit, make a coffee, read up a bit, type some more and still post your magical words. Haven't tried the porn bit yet but I like to bet its possible. Try Chrome, its better for your health (and temper, in my case)
Pretty sure there was no porn involved...But Reddit has this WTF section, where some nasty stuff can pop up. Sometimes its funny/ fascinating/ disgusting...But to not be allowed into a site because of what you were viewing seems a tad big brotherish. Shouldn't I be judged solely on my lame writing/ideas on this site alone?