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Commemorating the Raid on Dieppe After 75 Years

Discussion in 'History of Canada during World War II' started by macrusk, Jun 21, 2017.

  1. macrusk

    macrusk Proud Daughter of a Canadian WWII Veteran

    Oct 14, 2007
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    In August 2017, Canadians will join the French and others to commemorate the tragedy which befell the Canadians of the 2nd Division as well as British Commandos, and American Rangers in the early hours of August 19, 1942 on the beaches of Dieppe. Operation Jubilee consisted of several attempted beach landings: Blue Beach at Puys, Yellow Beach at Berneval-Le-Grand, Orange Beach at Varegeville-Sur-Mer & Quibervell, Green Beach at Pourville, White & Red Beaches at Dieppe.

    BLUE Beach at Puys Royal Regiment of Canada 89% casualties at Blue Beach
    Log into Facebook | Facebook

    Dieppe – Blue Beach – Every Man Remembered | The Royal Regiment of Canada Association

    75th Dieppe Raid Commemorative Ceremony - Calendar of Events - Veterans Affairs Canada

    75th Anniversary of the Dieppe Raid - Veterans Affairs Canada

    Then and Now (2015) Photos: Dieppe Then and Now Photos | On This Spot
    rkline56 likes this.
  2. rkline56

    rkline56 USS Oklahoma City CG5

    May 8, 2011
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    CA Norte Mexico, USA
    I trust those heroes who gave their all and then some, rest easy. The world is grateful to them. Looks like a very fitting Memorial is planned. Salute.
    macrusk likes this.

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