The fact is that many members do not use the search function and similar topics are sometimes opened twice or more. It's not a real problem it brings old subjects back as well ,they'd be forgotten otherwise .
I like to address these kind of things to make sure that the accurate information is available to people who may wind up Googling these threads. If we're going to lock a thread because someone makes a crazy statement I would hope it would be after that issue is addressed. Leaving something like "FDR wanted the French fleet sunk at anchor for political reasons" would stand alone if there was no reply. Just my $2,000,000 worth (adjusted for inflation.)
I believe that the 4 threads in question are still open. Does anypne know of one that isn't and that we might need to address?
Well, I'm not arguing with the marine...Anyone else want to? Belasar...Could you just move out of his spitting distance...
I believe our new Invision Forum will allow all moderators to merge (combine) similar threads; - or to split off posts into the thread they belong in; - or to split off posts into new freshly re-titled threads, ... and: - to move posts and / or threads into the proper forum they belong to. @Otto = Is that correct? I've been browsing Invision Forums and this seems to be the case at their forums such as these publicly viewable ones:
Then please get at it. The very last second will see this forum shut down, copied entirely so no posts are lost, inserted in the new Invision. So any progress you make now will lessen all our moderators work load later. There are MONSTER numbers of identical / excruciatingly similar threads, chock a block all over this forum. It would be ENORMOUSLY better to have them all merged over the foreseeable future. IMHO: The more the better, the sooner the better,
Just because threads are similar doesn't necessarily mean that they should be merged. Indeed if the discussion is over the fine points that are the differences mergeing them could result in an incredibly confusing and almost useless morass.
Too many threads? Yes. However, there is something to be said about a new thread and a fresh look at an old topic. I think some topics are definitely dead horses, but we really can't expect every member to read through hundred or thousands of previous messages on any given topic. Socrates would have said a good balance is in order. Anyone looking to start a new thread should search the forums first, then post the new topic. There is also the very important concept of ensuring each specific topic has it's own given thread, with very precise thread titles. This is very index-friendly and makes other searchers, either on this site or using google/bing/yahoo/other better able to track down exactly what they are looking for. For example, I really like OP's thread title in this thread here. He asked a question and appropriately used a question mark. Something not done enough on web forums. The number of threads is much less important than having each thread you do have properly & accurately titled.
Agreed. Merging needs to be done judiciously. I've seen a few merged franken-threads that are so jumbled their usefulness in nil.
I hadn't even considered the amount of effort it would take to merge two or three such threads and keep them coherent for the average user and I'm not even a moderator. It better be a labor of love if attempted because you sure don't get payed enough to make it worthwhile.
Can we merge the entire 'What-If' area into one thread? Think of the possibilities! Giant Nazi Hovercrafts Carrying a million Tanks to Africa via Burma! Iceland escorting them after it's conversion to a rocket-powered aircraft carrier! Patton on the moon fighting the evil space-goblins of the Reich with the new Apollo M26! Etc. It'd be great - honest - and eventually, with all that power combined, Germany still probably loses to the Atom Bomb usual Elephant in the room. Coat. Getting. ~A. (IMNVHO: Merging threads is great - obviously not for all of 'em, but many queries/subjects are repeated near verbatim... repeatedly,.. and concentrating specific queries often gets better results and avoids dilution of information.)
If anyone a specific two, or more, threads they think should be merged or moved post it here and the Mergatortm will look at it.
May I suggest that if we get a spat of new threads on one topic that they be merged and observed, not just binned? The initial reports are always wrong, so giving the OP a chance to clarify would just be friendly. We can always flay them alive, roll them in salt, hang them out to dry and scold them soundly later.
On the same note, anyone noticing way too many stickied threads in some forums ...? Maybe merge them all into one hyper thread : for instance, in the Counter battery fire itself, i see 2 posts dealing with medals. Perhaps we can update peppy's informal posting guide to an informal intro to ww2f and post an edited version of the stickied threads? Saves me having to scroll down half way down the page to read up Now to find a slave someone to actually do it... TBA