Hi, I've just joined in hopes of sharing a number of photographs that my grandfather took, but also to find out some information about him and where he served etc. My grandfathers name was William Herbert Richardson - light horse - WWII - I'm not sure what you call it, but "enlistment"? number is 2026463 - DOB.8 Nov 1913 , Smethwick, Staffordshire, England. I'm unsure whether he moved from England to Australia before or after he served, so I was hoping his uniform might give some information about that Thank you all in advance, I look forward to sharing his album- is there a particular place i should up load these?
Found 2 possibles on Find my Past, William aged 38, a Welder, with Mrs I.M Richardson,32. Master B.W aged 8, MissP.I. aged 6. and Miss G.A. aged 4. Left Liverpool June 1951 for Sydney. They were living in Aston Birmingham, UK. The other family has D.O.B. of 1914.