Adam, over at WW2Talk, penned this good post describing how to insert pictures into a post. Thanks Adam. How To Insert Pictures Into Your Posts. As there are often queries relating to this I thought I'd create a thread that explained it. First things first: There is a facility for uploading quite large images, but these are much more likely to fail in the face of certain Internet issues as they take so much longer to upload. It's a really good idea to shrink a picture's file size first. If on XP then Microsoft has a free down-loadable 'right click' Image Resizer here, though there are other ways using your own software, many photo edit programs can easily re-size a 3mb image to just a few Kb without downgrading what it looks like on a screen much at all. If you aim for a maximum of 1 Megabyte (and preferably less) you're much less likely to have upload problems. Ways to upload: It is a good idea to go to your User CP first and set up maximum functionality from the forums editing tools, Click 'Edit Options' and scroll down to 'miscellaneous options' at the bottom of the page and select 'Enhanced interface - Full WYSIWYG editing' from the drop down menu. Then click 'save'. There are basically two ways to insert pictures. The first is by attachment, where the picture will display as a small thumbnail that, once clicked on opens a larger picture in a 'lightbox', which if you click on it again will open full size on a new page : Click 'go advanced' in the standard posting box. Click on the paperclip icon: Or this button below the posting box: This will open a new window that allows you to upload from your computer, click 'Browse' : this will open up a search box for you to find the image that's stored on your computer. Select the image and click 'open'. The name and location of the image will then display in the 'browse' window. Then click 'upload' After a second or two the image will have uploaded to the site, to insert it into your post go to the paperclip again, click on the small arrow next to it and the pictures you have uploaded will display in a box simply click on the name of the image and it will be inserted as a click-able thumbnail. The second way to insert pictures which will make them display actual size on the post is to use the 'Insert Image' Icon: This will open a box like this: Simply paste the URL (web address beginning with HTTP) of the image into the box and click 'OK' and the image will display. As this can lead to sapping the bandwidth of the site you are taking the image from it is a very good idea to get yourself a free image hosting account with someone like Photobucket, On these sites you can upload saved pictures, rotate and resize them easily (this is handy as you can shrink the picture to a size that doesn't distort the forum's format before uploading it here) and they often give you code to paste directly into the forum so you don't have to go through the above 2 steps: you can just use the bottom box marked 'IMG code', paste it directly into your text without any of the steps above and the forum will recognise it and automatically show the picture. Hope that helps. (I've locked the thread so the explanation doesn't get buried, if there's anything you think I could make clearer or it doesn't make any bloody sense at all then send me a PM and I'll do my best to clarify things.)
Or you can use the other shortcut. [noparse]url/of/image/location/goes/here[/url][/noparse] to link an image to a page, use this [noparse] [URL=url/of/page/to/be/linked/goes/here][img]url/of/image/location/goes/here[/URL] [/noparse] eg, from slipdigits profile, [noparse] [/noparse] It gives you this. regards, TBA
go to the posting listed as November 25, 09 and use the information on the images will come out more clear and large than the set up here on the site which at times freezes I have found
HELP ! I tried to post a reply on this thread: But the page format? has widened out to the point nothing will allow me to type anything in the reply box. ?? Since I missed out on buying a pothole in Germany a few months ago I wanted to see about making a deal with Ulrich to move the mountain in his backyard to Northern Minnesota. I guess I could send a PM but I still can't post in the thread.
For some reason, its no longer letting me post JPEGS to the forum - pops up an error message saying 'You are not allowed to post this file format to this community' - not quite sure what that means. EDIT: Ah - so this is the error that pops up when you try to post an image that is too big. What are the dimensions of largest image allowed? Might be helpful.
I think it is file size as opposed to image size. I'll have to see what it is, i can't remember off the top of me head.
File size...500kb or less for attachments. But, there error message you would get would be "Error This file was too big to upload" Just have to ask...are you sure that it is a jpeg.
Yep. 100% sure its a JPEG. Was using links from my Photobucket. It would post with the smaller ones and give me the aforementioned error on the larger images.
Photobucket seems to work fine for me using the "Shared Links" "IMG" or "Direct" links. What is the address of the photo you are trying to use?
Pretty sure it's not filesize. There is a weird glitch in IPB when it comes to certain URL-based image formats, and though I've fiddled with it on and off for a fair while & tried to work out which suffix should be allowed, nothing I've added to 2T has fixed it (added as in file extensions & size limits). It even sometimes rejects images already hosted on the same site. Mildly irritating, but easily bypassed by using Photobucket or similar. There's something equally bemusing on IPB relating to plain text files - but I'm now sitting on my hands waiting for IPB4.0, as it looks like they've focused a bit more on user-friendliness. (BTW - my guide to attaching in post #1 is out of date. It's for VB, and though the general principles are the same, the specifics aren't really.)
You can also use Imageshack instead of photobucket cause Imageshack is more nice and try too look this get - official site