Was flipping through the channels and ran across the Discovery Channel's "Expedition Unknown" and a show on Normandy. (The whole show was interesting). One segment was the diving on the wreck of an LST they thought was LST-523. After learning it was misidentified on the maps, it proved to be LST 496 which struck a mine and sunk on the 11th of June with a loss of 22 lives and 31 tanks. My brother was in "A" Company, 67th AR of the 2nd Armored Division and I remember from the 67th AR History, and the After Action Report, that the LST carrying "G" and "C" Company and part of Hq. Company of the 3rd Bn. struck a mine on the 11th and took about an hour to sink. The LST just behind 496 was carrying "A" Company and pulled alongside to take on personnel- but was waved off by two British Destroyers that transferred the men off the sinking LST. Since LCT 496 was the only LST lost that day, it was definitely the one carrying elements and equipment of the 67th Armored Regiment. Thinking my brother watched it sink really added something personal to the show.
Fold 3 has done a remarkable job on Navy WWII records and I subscribed when doing stuff for one of my brothers. But I found their Army records are rather disappointing. Would love to see what they have on this.
Here are 2 pages from the War Diary of LST-350. From the account, it seems LST-350 may have been the ship that was following LST-496:
The following pages from the War Diary of LST-538 has an interesting account of their rescue efforts and the damage to LST-496:
Here is the 3-page account of the rescue efforts of USS AMESBURY (DE-66) and a fourth page listing the personnel they took off LST-496: . . . It took a bit of searching as it was not included in the War Diaries of the USS AMESBURY. I found it in the records of Destroyer Escort Division NINETEEN. The quality of the images was not very good. I tweaked them a bit to make the text easier to read.
This last document is from the War Diary of ATR-2. I thought it was interesting that they dynamited the bow of LST-496 to finish sinking the ship and clear the channel.
I agree with you on both points with respect to Fold3. Their Army records are, for the most part, dependent on "Contributed" (presumably donated) records. They have added more records to the "Contributed Military Group Records", so it has improved marginally. Since all the records in that collection are "Free", you don't need a membership to check them out.
Indeed. The most valuable Army record they have is the microfilm copy of the records of the HQ, COMZ ETOUSA. Why they have not made use of the other War Department microfilm series is beyond me. I know RG 407, Entry 427, the holdings of the Office of the Adjutant General divisional AARs was microfilmed, since I used to access them regularly at the AF History office at Bolling. I am very disappointed that their agreement with NARA has not really resulted in any significant increase in sources over the last few years and I suspect I wlll drop my subscription soon as they seem incapable of adding new records.
I was wondering how a floating mine could blow a hole in the port quarter deck of LST 496. This is at the stern part of the ship. Sure it's possible to have the bow wake push it away and have it swing back to hit the stern. But found this which makes more sense. "On June 11th 1944, off the invasion beaches, German torpedo boats S-130, S-144, S-146, S-150 and S-167 launch torpedo attacks on U.S. invasion shipping. They sink tank landing ship LST-496 and tug Partridge (ATO-138), 49°30´N, 00°50´N. They damage tank landing ship LST-538, 49°48´N, 00°31´W. German motor torpedo boat S-138 torpedoes and damages destroyer Nelson (DD-623), 49°31´N, 00°50´W. The Infantry landing craft LCI-219 is sunk by aircraf Read more at wrecksite: https://www.wrecksite.eu/wreck.aspx?2297 Also interesting. S130 E Boat - Submerged
I forgot to post the 11 Jun 1944 Report of Action from LST-496 War Diaries. This may shed some light on your question. It indicates there were two mines that exploded almost simultaneously. .
Hello, Thank you for sharing those documents. Very interesting. Another LST sunk with men of the 2nd armored division on board. The 9 June 1944, LST314 sunk with soldiers of the 41st Armored Infantry regiment. I'm making some reasherchs about the men who perished during this sunk. Do you think that equivalent documents exists for this second LST? It could be a great source of informations for me.
You might have a look at this site. https://www.wrecksite.eu/peopleView.aspx?6iMq46WqHeNl2g6VSe92og==
Great history. I've added everything you posted to my accumulated research on the 2nd Armored. Thanks again for posting.
Here is the Report of Loss by the commander of the LST-314. It is in pretty rough shape, but most is still legible with a little effort.