My grandfather was in the battle of Normandy (DDay) plus a mention of Bastogne. My family and I are going there in 2020 for the closing ceremonies of a 2 year campaign commemorating the 75th anniversary (my daughter’s choral has been asked to sing) I had assumed SOMEONE in my family had talked to him about his service and knew some details but NO! So, I requested my grandfather’s military records from the Natl Archives but unfortunately most were destroyed, at least the ones with the most information. I have two documents that are ok but they’re just pay sheets. I also have his final discharge papers that were filed with the county records office where he was from, but it only contains the one year re-enlistment information plus medals he received (no details thought) Combat Infantry Badge WWII Victory Medal *WWII Army of Occupation *this one wasn’t listed on the discharge sheet but my uncle recognized it from the only pic I have of him in uniform taken at Ft. Bragg 1945-46 Can anyone help me read this pay sheet and make sense of all the shorthand and abbreviations. I would really appreciate it. I’m looking for a crumb trail that I can follow when I go to St. Louis and look through battle logs, rosters and morning reports for myself. His story (the one that’s been passed down matches the 16th IR of the 29th more than any others) I will probably start there unless you think looking through 28th div logs for transfers on that date listed. This pay sheet says that he was transferred to the 28th division 30 June 45. He arrived in New York on 6 Aug 45 then He was sent to Camp Shelby, Mississippi with the 112th where it disbanded. He met my grandmother there, then he re-enlisted and was sent to Ft. Bragg for 1 year. Same as before a rifleman, this time Co B, 15th Inf 3rd Div. Any bits of advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
If he was awarded a CIB he was also entitled to a Bronze Star per General Marshall after the war. To replace his medals including any you aren't aware of, follow the instructions here Military Awards and Decorations I assume you've already seen this, but this is his grave marker
Yes, I have thank you! He’s buried at the VA cemetery in Biloxi, MS just down the beach from his apartment. I sure miss him and I wish I had known then that I needed to ask him about his service. I took it for granted that he’s be around a long time. Once, he was watching a documentary on DDay and he said he saw himself in the footage. No phones then or quick internet searches to find it so we never knew what documentary he had watched. I would just like to know what regiment he served with when he went to Europe. Thank you!