Where can I get information as to whether or not a Naval aircraft was recovered after ditching and sinking in shallow water off Boca Chica NAS, Florida on September 8, 1944?
Locheed PV-1 Ventura BuNo 33425? She's probably still down there. You could probably start by contacting local dive shops, as they would know what is on the bottom to be explored.
You may wish to remember that this plane, and goodness knows how many others littering the ocean bottom, remains the property of the US Navy.
My uncle, Johnnie Antley ARM 3c, was on board the plane. They were practicing night take-offs and landings out of Boca Chica NAS around 1 AM, when the plane unexpectedly struck the water after take-off All three occupants exited the plane but did not have on and PFD's. Uncle Johnnie was a poor swimmer and drowned almost immediately. I had the priviledge of talking to the pilot. Frank Koehler, jr. of Portland, OR. several years ago. I have always wondered about the plane as it was only about 1/4 mile offshore. Thanks for the responses.