An acquaintance sent me today's online Atlantic magazine with a very well illustrated article, 34 images many I have never seen, on the Hindenburg. I thought it well worthy of a posted link but it already has perhaps a hundred comments attached to it. Within about 3 it somehow went into current presidential politics and worst. I have my views on politics and religion but never try to impose them on others or argue about it. Pointless to me and ruined a great article . Why would people not comment on the Hindenburg? One of the things I like about this forum it that it examines hugely controversial topics with little rancor and I do not even look for the "Stump" Of course I forget the post praising and trashing the poor Sherman !! LOL Just to be clear the adjective "poor" is not a reflection on the Sherman but on it being used as a whipping boy for some. Can I send the link to an administrator here and let them decide ? Appreciate any advice. Gaines
How old was the thread? We generally do not allow current politics to be discussed outside of The Stump and you ask the guys around here, I am fairly rigid about that. Go ahead a post it.
Jeff, hit "like" which is really NA here but suitable for all your good inputs. The Hindenburg article seems to have gone online today. How it got some many responses is beyond me. As I said I am totally opposed to political or religious post as they always deteriorate . In fact politics and religion are very much a part of history and I wish people could show self control but I fear that not possible. If I post it, where is appropriate ? Thanks, Gaines
Is it possible to copy and paste the article? This would get around the comments. I wouldn't be that worried about them though -- if they are just the "visitor comments" at the end, I never read them and I'm sure 90% of people don't read them either. To me, when the article ends, I'm finished my time on the website. In my opinion, there's no reason to read the junk that others post in an attempt to provoke a fight. EDIT: If this is the "In Focus" photo collection, I don't see a problem with posting. Its a good collection! As I said, I doubt anyone cares enough to read the comments at the bottom written by the "amateur pundits" with too much time on their hands and nothing important to do.