All this time I've been trying to type in my replies in the little itty bitty text window not knowing I could use the buttons marked by the "1" below to increase the size of the window marked "2". I can see what I am typing now. The size shown is twice what I been using, btw. Ya larn sumpin new evah day.
Cool. You can keep clicking the double-down-arrow to make the box as big as you like! This will help with my AARS!
Ive learned something new today. Now, to see if I can create posts large enough to necessitate the feature.
Glad you found that Jeff, I use a very large textbox for my own forum activity. It's worth spending some time familiarizing yourself with the features of this website. There are a great many tools that can make your posting much, much easier, so follow Slipdigits example and click around, you just might find something very useful.
Sorry for my ignorance, but how come you have a great screen with smilies on your right which you just have to click and all type of options on the top? Mine is all empty, even if I click the "go advanced" button and when I want smilies like this one, I need to type the codes
Simple, this forum is mostly American and you're French. If you want perks, next time declare war against Iran, N.Korea, Swaziland or whatever crosses the then POTUS mind. ----------- Now seriously, when posting, have you tried the 'Go Advanced' button, and then the [more] option?
I do not have this option in my "additional options". I have "miscellaneous", "attach files", "thread subscription" and "rate thread" :hypnotize:
Hey Skip try this. Go to 'User CP', then select 'edit options' on the left side. Scroll to the bottom under the 'Miscellaneous Options' field. In the drop menu, 'Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing' should be selected. I suspect on yours, it is not.
That's it PzJgr! It works perfectly now. Now I will use smilies on alarge scale and colours and I'll be John Brown too I gave you some reputation points for your help.
Dang, the boy is fast! Here come the negative points. anic: Did I mention that I am colour blind, therefore cannot see RED So I cannot read your comments. You gotta throw me a bone for that one.