Why is the abilitiy to salute by me (alone???) missing in some forums? Mac OS Leopard Snow 10.6.1 using Firefox 4.0.1 When ie, annoyingly, the Following 18 Users were allowed to Salute lfkirby For This Post: http://www.ww2f.com/honor-service-valor/34312-some-passing-thoughts-remberance.html By: A-58 (September 8th, 2009), Biak (November 27th, 2009), brndirt1 (September 3rd, 2009), David Cohen (November 20th, 2009), dgmitchell (September 4th, 2009), DocCasualty (September 3rd, 2009), formerjughead (September 5th, 2009), J.A. Costigan (September 7th, 2009), jemimas_special2 (September 8th, 2009), LRusso216 (September 3rd, 2009), macrusk (September 5th, 2009), mikebatzel (September 3rd, 2009), SouthWestPacificVet (September 4th, 2009), texson66 (September 8th, 2009), Tomcat (September 8th, 2009), Totenkopf (September 3rd, 2009), wtid45 (September 3rd, 2009), Zefer (September 13th, 2009)
You cannot salute old posts. I cannot remember what the cutoff is, but after a certain time, posts cannot be saluted.
Every member is allowed to use the salute option twice every 24 hours. Have you already done so? If yes, you'll need to wait a few hours. In the meantime you can still give reputation by clicking on the weight scale symbol. You have also a "like " option. As to who gave what to other members, it's like colours and taste : eveybody has it's own. if you think some salutes were not justified, maybe those who used this ability think the opposite. members are free to salute who they want. Hope this helped a bit. I don' t think it's a matter of navigator. Let me know after the 24 hour if your salute option still doesn't work.
I shall be quiet for a 24 hour test period. That post requires another salute, even after this latent time period. Tnx Slipdigit 7 and Skipper et all.