which do you think is better, WW2F, or WW2Talk? if i wanted to make an account on WW2Talk would you recommend it, or do you think i should stick to WW2F?
A great many of us have accounts on both sites, the Talk version is a bit more UK oriented than the Forum is. Both are fine sites.
Yep. Otto owns both. I'm registered at ww2 Talk as well, but don't post there often, mainly because it is very UK/European oriented and my knowledge level seems low. It is, however, a fine site.
ok. well, i think ill just check it out but not make an account on it...i do think 1 forum is enough on a 12 year old's plate anyway
As said by the others, WW2F is more US region. While UK/Europe members are also involded. I'm like you man i'm 16 I'll just stick to one forum
Well, I just turned 30, and I'm still timid sometimes to post here, let alone get involved with another forum which I know even less about!
By November this year, I'll have spent some 3 (somewhat rough) but quite happy years on this forum. I love the company here and I think that I will keep to conformity!
I'm a grandpa in terms of Forum Age, having been here a few days after the Forums officially opened, all those years ago. WW2Talk is, like everyone else has said, a very UK Orientated forum. It 'specializes' in the UK at war, so to speak, while WW2F seems to have a much heavier US Influence, both in topics and members.
ok. thanks for the posts, guys. ill just stick to this forum. i have another account on The Raven, an Indiana Jones forum, and i never even go on there because of here. more interesting here then there...
Best? I'm watching how y'all answer P_twinlugers: naw, von Poop & Owen eat American teenagers for lunch over there.
And not just American teenagers. I've seen them feasting on trolls and other beasties (American or otherwise) as well.
This is the second internet forum I have ever joined in my life. I have to say that it is the closest thing I have come to having something like a MySpace or Face book. I really have no desire to have an account like that. Sites like this are much more interesting.
Talk is a very special place. I read more than post there since the people on talk are extremely knowledgeable. They often produce the actual papers (scanned into post) when discussing. The dicipline on the site is admirable. However the flavour is UK/(european) centered and that means Klingon to residents of the USA...
woops, it didnt show what i first wrote untill now. i just intended the 'it sure is' but it didnt show that after i posted it so i thought i didnt post it...ah well