I found this on my hard drive, it's from 2002 or 2003, and I though some of you might find it useful: ======================================= WWII Forums Lingo Here at the Forums there has evolved a group of terms and phrases that members occassionaly use. Often the lingo developed becasue it is easier to type a short acronym rather than a whole phrase, and sometimes a phrase was employed simply because it sounded good. We have provided a short list of the most common phrases and termimnology with wich the newer member can quickly become acquanted without asking a bunch of questions. As a general rule, acronyms for phrases are typed in capital letters, this is to let the reader know the work in question is in fact an acronym. Some of these might be known to you already, but this list is intended for new members. Feel free to submit any terms you think might belong on this list. AAR After Action Report AFAIK As Far As I Know AFK Away From Keyboard; used mostly in chat rooms, but applicable to discussion Forums as well. Often used in online gaming when someone is not moving, they are assumed to be AFK, and if the enemy is nearby they become another kind of AFK: A Free Kill. ASAP As Soon As Possible BTW By the way bump, sometimes written as: *bump* This is done to threads that have been inactive for a few days and has been buried among older threads. A bump post will return the thread to the top of the list where it is more likely to get noticed. Bumping is a well accepted practice, but use some common sense before you bump a thread. Only bump once a day at most, and don't continue to bump a thread that no one is responding to. cadet Term applied to new forum members, (especially those who have not earned a medal yet). Also known as a newb/noob. FWIW For what its worth FYI For Your Information GRÖFAZ Größter Forumherr aller Zeiten = Greatest Forum Commander of All Time. This is the term Otto uses to describe himself as he struts around the WWII Forums. IMHO In My Humble/Honest Opinion LH Living Historian - Also known as a re-enactor LMAO Laughing My Ass Off OMFG! Oh My F***ing God! A common exclamation for interweb haxxorz OOP Out of Print - Generaly refers to books. OT Off Topic; what a thread should never be! PC Politically Correct PdPP! Phear der PanzerPenguin! RTFM/RTFFAQ Read the F***ing Manual/Read the F***ing Frequently Asked Questions; this is a common answer to a basic question that has been asked so often that it has been covered in the Manual, User's Guide or Frequently Asked Questions S! Salute; usually posted as a sign of respect, (or mock respect). STFU Shut The F**k Up; usually used in an attempt to silence a noob. Thanks Erich. SWAGPOOYA Stupid Wild A**ed Guess Pulled Out Of Your A** (first used on the WWII Forums by T. A. Gardner in a post about tanks) TIA Thanks In Advance - Usually posted when someone post a question or request. However, it is common courtesy to thank people after they respond as well. TTT To the Top, same as bump (see above) WTF? What the F***?
I will add one of the few I sometimes use: PFM = Pure F*$king Magic. Refers to something said or proposed that requires a great deal of this substance to work.
Added a couple more, Otto's GROFAZ and T. A. Gardner's SWAGPOOYA Peppy >>> used all Caps to spell the man's name
Before the Muscle Fish punches me, Gröfaz stands for GRÖssest Feldherr Aller Zeit, greatest commander of all times. Goebbels had called him this in a speech, and then the tongue in cheek acronym stuck 152, the only Irish saying that comes to mind right now was a plaque I had in my office there that read: "Ireland is full of willing people. Some are willing to work. The others are willing to watch them." Damn good people, the Irish!
Za, Otto punches (and kicks and chokes and breaks), I on the other hand just bite. I've seen the Gröfaz term before, and I thought it would be a fitting title for our own commander, Otto. If you notice, I put the entire saying in italics (indicating a translation from another language), save for the term Forum, which I left in normal text. And just to be clear when I heckle Otto, and since I don't sprecken ze Deutch, is the term Feldherr or Feldhern? Peppy >>> wants to be precise when he insults his superiors
I know you two have become quite close lately but please, I son't want to know the details (unless they are sordid!). Feldherr, mein Herr. Dativ would be Felherrn (to the Feldherr). German cases summary here. When thoroughly confounded then ask for more but our Teutonic members will be better at it
Re Titles and such Acronyms for people are good fun. I came across a damn good one. Bernard Law Montgomery. Warlord Entomb Germany. They never stood a chance did they?
[Threadjacker2007]Who was the anti-goebbels that came up with that one? More please [/Threadjacker2007]
Here are a couple. PPPP= P!ss Poor Prior Planning SNAFU= Situation Norman, All F****d Up FUBAR= F****d Up Beyond All Recognition KISS= Keep It Simple, Stupid
Nice ones Shadow Master, I'm looking more for Forums-related acronyms over WWII ones, like RTFM which I just added.
OT = Off topic YS = you suck or you stink, the first one is much better though STFU = shut the F up ! C.C. = crimpin my cable ( taking a doobie ) " L " = LOSER