Happening again. Couldn't even get the site to load for 12 hours, then about ten minutes ago I magically managed to log in. And then it was the same problem as before; the post refused to be added, though when I went to the home page it WAS showing as having been added.
I doubt it will change. I sincerely hope I’m wrong. I know, and sometimes instead of waiting, I just move on to another forum.
I can access, if I’m willing to wait. Most of the time I’m willing. For instance, in editing this post to add this on, I counted off 32 seconds before it posted. But I like it here.
I've noticed occasionally when things slow down the post is delayed but while I see nothing happening it is in the works. So, I hit post again . Thus the double posts. I blame the Chinese, the Russians ain't got the capabilities. Another reason is maybe we're just over loading the site with so much information it can't keep up ? As long as I can get on here I'm happy. Even if it's not the instant gratification I've come to expect. I remember the days of "dial-up" and that incessant annoying prolong noise.
Seems all's well this afternoon. Haven't had a problem other than my usual ISP and I have to admit it's running better since they ran fiber optic cable last Summer. I'm still nearly a mile off the main line but my speeds have increased.