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Fully Automatic Shotgun

Discussion in 'Military History' started by Slipdigit, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. skunk works

    skunk works Ace

    Nov 12, 2005
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    Gun-gasming ? That's funny Stefan,

    The "Old Man & Grandpa" both referred to this as "Buck Fever".
    The round eyes, the short/quick breaths, & the squeaky voice.
    When confronted/involved with such an individual....make "any" excuse and leave.
    One story is about duck hunting in a boat. The duck, as often times they do, plotted a course of escape across the water (about a foot high). The "rookie" began firing and placing subsequent shots (not in front as should be done...Lead anyone?), where the duck was, regardless of the other occupants of the boat.
    A shot was fired right over the head (fortunately he ducked, pun intended) before his head was blown off by someone who was....not really there.
    Ah training, and priorities, there are some who have neither.
    As you say:
    Be aware of the signs. ;)
  2. Stefan

    Stefan Cavalry Rupert

    Jul 29, 2001
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    Exactly, anyone who gets visibly physically excited over firearms (as opposed to healthy interest, respect and understanding) is well worth avoiding.

    Duck story reminded me of the recording of our turret chat the other week, I was scanning waiting for a target, saw something come up and was laying onto it before the commander had given a fire order. On the net you hear me say 'Hello!' in a sort of 50's detective voice (see YouTube - QI - Origin of "Hello" & the Rudeness of Phones). The Commander started laughing before muttering 'bloody officer' under his breath.

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