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Games about ww2

Discussion in 'The Members Lounge' started by Revere, Sep 22, 2005.

  1. Baseline

    Baseline New Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Well allow a day one player to chime in and say that this game is dead, it should have died a miserable death 4 years ago when CRS was responsible for the worst launch in MMOL gaming history.

    Beyond the launch there were numerous features included in the manual in the box that in some cases took two years to get into the game.

    Airquake and camping have been issues that the player base has begged CRS to solve yet they have refused instead telling the players to defend the ever broadening front with less and less players to do it with.

    Roughly 6 months before the release of 1.19 CRS had around 12k subs down from a peak of 40k over four years.

    Recently Badger made a public statement that the number of new subs that CRS expected from the US re-release would only replace those lost since 1.19 went live. The top complaint amoungst un-subs is poor game performance.

    Recently CRS was informed by their publisher that they would not do a 4th qtr 2005 release because they felt the game would perform badly in light of the competition.

    The game does not run well on low, mid, or even in some cases extreme range computers. CRS leaves out 80% or more of their target market with insane hardware requirements for smooth play while delivering graphics well below those of recent games.

    There are many more problems with this game that I won't even to begin to get into right now as just the ones above are more than enough to kill this game.

    The writting is on the wall and the fat lady is warming up.

    To defend it now can only mean one thing...

    "If you think WWIIOL is all that...you might be a phanboi"
  2. Grieg

    Grieg New Member

    Feb 25, 2005
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    A one post poster wrote:
    I think your complaints smack of the same tone as the other disgruntled former player. Exaggerations and hyperbole. APHE is exactly what most all Axis tanks and anti-tank guns of the time used. When I was playing I found it to be quite effective. I had over 2000 kills against Allied vehicles. I only occasionally had trouble knocking out Allied tanks with the 88mm. Some discrepancies are to be expected..the vast majority of the time I achieved one shot kills with the 88mm against all Allied tanks...some exceeding 2000 yards. Do you have a recent comparison of the kill ratio of the M5 compared to the Pz IV G handy?
    If someone wants to discuss the real weaknesses/limitations of the game..the 64 player limit for example or the limitations of the strategic bombing and research of advanced weapons features I would be happy to oblige ;)

    Imagine that..more one post, posters arise :D
  3. Danyel Phelps

    Danyel Phelps Active Member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    Greig, these are my fellow Totenkopf brothers (Not to mention superior officers, especially Baseline! Salute!) Who came here by my request to add their two cents.
  4. Baseline

    Baseline New Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    There is not a 64 player limit anymore and hasn't been for awhile, the limit is 128. The main issue with the ammo is being forced to use 39 ammo versus 42 and later equipment. This point is not debatable because it is a known issue. 2k 88 kills are mostly things of the past as the steel forrests prevent them.

    The rest is just too flawed to discuss
  5. Ricky

    Ricky Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2004
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    Moderator Post

    Hi guys, just a reminder to keep it civil.

    Number of posts is not an indication of wisdom.
  6. Baseline

    Baseline New Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    NP here Ricky and Salute! btw. I am long past the Denial phase of my twelve step WWIIOL recovery program. So no fragging will take place here.
  7. Ricky

    Ricky Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2004
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    Oh, and where are my manners...

    Hello to our new members! :D
  8. Baseline

    Baseline New Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    lol np

    Now something for your entertainment.

    Heres a RAT BE pre-release pic one of our operatives managed to aquire.

  9. Grieg

    Grieg New Member

    Feb 25, 2005
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    Lol..okay guys have it your way..I surrender :D

    I haven't played in about a year for various reasons but one thing I know for a fact; I spent more enjoyable hours over that 2.5 years playing that game than any other video game I've played. It's rather ironic that I'm now a phanboi though because if u have access to the WWII Online forums (I no longer do since they closed them to non-subscribers) check out previous posts by Grieg and you will find that I was bitching about many of the same problems you mention here on the forums. The difference is that I was still enjoying the game and was honestly trying to get things fixed so that the game would be more enjoyable.
    As to my mentioning that I was debating first post posters IMO it is relevant to show that these particular posters had an axe to grind i.e. they came here at the request of Danyell (as he admits) and weren't just objective, unbiased posters.
  10. Revere

    Revere New Member

    Apr 25, 2005
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    Wow alot people answered this or they just talked about love :D
  11. Baseline

    Baseline New Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Ah I see, well now thats different then. Yes WWIIOL can provide some of the most memorable moments in gaming unfortunately it can also cause some of the most dreaded ie.. CTD, Connection to Host Lost, Lag from Hell, and stu-tt-ers that will make you crazy on your 3k plus uber rig. Not to mention bugs that have existed for 4 years.

    If you played the game now you wouldn't even recognize it from when you last played it. Brigade spawning and attack objectives are the biggest changes to the game. The effect of these two brilliant ideas is to funnel everyone to one giant lag-camp-airquake-fest. Oh and did I mention that HC's now have control over AO placements and "soon" over what and how much equipment will be available for other players to spawn?

    Understand that WWIIOL is a great concept just very pooly implemented IMHO.

    I have to ask, sorry. If WWIIOL is all good then why are you un-subbed?
  12. ToTXfire

    ToTXfire New Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    I'll one up ya Grieg I remember you playing Axis. And it was well before the hammer fell swiftly upon the last few heads holding out. I understand also that you were trying to "fix" problems with the game, we all have in one way or the other. The thing is try it now, they'll ban your account quicker than a lawyer can swipe a dollar off the table top.

    It WAS the best game ever in concept and for a while showed definate signs of life, those were quickly dashed by the "Flakpanzer Oil" swilling rodents......

    Oh that game makes me so darn mad! :angry: :angry: :angry:
  13. Danyel Phelps

    Danyel Phelps Active Member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    WWII Online needs to die so a more capable company can make their own WWII MMO. I just know that some of the bigger ones (EA, EA, EA, EA) would love to.

    They would probably call it Battlefield: 3 - This is really Battlefield 1942, the other one was a scam.
  14. Grieg

    Grieg New Member

    Feb 25, 2005
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    Don't take this the wrong way but I hope that I was right with my earlier idea that you guys are not typical but some really disgruntled players with an axe to grind and a grudge against CRS. The alternative would meant that a game that I had dearly loved to play and was planning to return to soon had been (perhaps) ruined beyond repair :(
  15. Baseline

    Baseline New Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    No axe to grind, just reporting what we know. Since 1.19 went live CRS has lost nearly 6k subs at a time when they needed to increase their number not lose them. The US re-release that was to happen on June 6th kept getting pushed back until it has now been cancelled for 05 because their own publisher doesn't feel that the game can compete with other 4th qtr titles. What does this say about the game in itself?

    CRS has publicly stated that the survival of the game depends on the success of the re-release. So the outlook isn't too good for WWIIOL based on whats happened already and what continues to happen almost daily, people un-subbing from the game, whole squads have left recently.

    I have over 200 members in our squad and out of those only 6 or 7 are active players so what does that say?
  16. ToTXfire

    ToTXfire New Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    I can elaborate further now on the most recent happenings. Look away now if you REALLY liked the game.

    There was a Xmas patch that was released before it was thoroughly tested. Performance went straight out the window, top of the line PC's were struggling to run double digit FPS. The Rats responded with "we worked very hard to get it out to you, we thought you'd like the toys even if there were performance issues." <--- Hmm here are some new toys guys but you can't play with them. :angry: The patched again and fixed some issues for some players. Mass unsubs were in full swing and the Rats are showing definate hostility toward the outspoken members of the playerbase. They patch again, performance decreases for many and more unsubs occur "en masse". The Rats respond with we need you to recruit new players................

    I survived the implementation of Brigade Spawning. A "feature" that promoted huge battles, coincidentally these large battles are not something that the game executes well. I kept my sub through multitudes of performance robbing patches taht took months to "fix".

    I plan to drop my sub after it lapses in 3 months. Mind you I have been a subscribed member since 9/11/01 I took very few "breaks" from the game and they were never more than a month or two. I'm sorry to say Grieg that the game we loved so dearly has started into it's death throws and there is no hope for rescue.
  17. Gunter_Viezenz

    Gunter_Viezenz New Member

    Sep 26, 2005
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    I would go with steel panther, red orchestra and axis&allies. A;thought I can't play steel panthers anymore :cry: (curses at the expansive widescreen).

    But above all I love Close Combat.
  18. Tom phpbb3

    Tom phpbb3 New Member

    Sep 11, 2004
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    I know it's not WWII, but has anyone ever played Twilight: 2000? It's an RPG set at the end of WWIII, starting in Poland.

    There are a few WWII weapons in the armory, but I was wondering how hard it would be to change the rules to a WWII game. Failing that, develop a good, accurate RPG for WWII?

    I emphasised accurate because during one of our raids, one of our guys got hit by a 23mm, but the dice roll gave him naught but a serious scratch. We rationalized it as a ricochet, or shrapnel, but I thought it was funny.

    Is this something we could develop here? Rules, campaigns and scenarios? Campaigns would be fairly simple, I imagine. Scenario ideas could some from the dozens of WWII movies we've seen, with some modifications. Thoughts?
  19. Ossian phpbb3

    Ossian phpbb3 New Member

    Sep 30, 2005
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    Twilight 2000 -- that takes me back many years. Good old GDW RPGs -- I still have my original Traveller books I keep looking at wistfully....

  20. Ricky

    Ricky Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2004
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    I was seriously confused there until I realised that you meant RPG as Role Playing Game! :lol:

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