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Grandson of a WR fighter in PL

Discussion in '☆☆ New Recruits ☆☆' started by WWA_PL, Jul 4, 2020.

  1. WWA_PL

    WWA_PL New Member

    Jul 4, 2020
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    Dear all,

    I'm a grandson of a veteran who recently passed 10 years ago.
    I do not know a lot, other than he was a bijelo ruski soldier fighting his way towards Berlin, getting wounded, getting healed and then going back in. He later settled in Szczecin, PL. There is no more family for me to back-track against unfortunately.

    Something in me needs partial-fulfillment, and i look forward to researching further by joining here.

    I would like to give a special recognition to Finland for their heroic victories under some of the same hopeless circumstances as Poland.

    My questions are as follows:

    My grandfather passed and my remaining family in PL without my knowledge and threw most of his items. I will presume this is a long shot, but are there people here with knowledge of specific metal working tools in the post-war era of Poland? Hammers, pliers.. forged between 39' and 50'.. basically what was available in the post-war era in the old German area of Szczecin, what was used during wartime and then later in the post-war era.. Im re-contructing memories here :)

    Also, and i am really humble about this question, i would like to post his medals and try to re-construct his actions. What sub-forum would suit best for this?


    War is something that brings much honour for relatives, so much infact that a person can start to glorify it. I am in the middle of trying to concede my life, 50% wants to just go-mad and live every day happily honoring the past.. and the other 50% is living in todays reality and the all important questions of why do we exist, whats important and why not glorify the life of a soldier during the WW2 era.

    The topic, the subject is so immense and so full of hurt. Enough to set a millennia on a straight path of hard work instead of succumbing to the "modern life".

    I am willing to be corrected, and willing to learn more. Circumstances made it so that i really do not have much background information - and when Dziadek lived this was not a topic to be discussed.

  2. belasar

    belasar Court Jester

    May 9, 2010
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    Welcome Aboard!

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