Anyone read this before? Looks good and I got some good advice on not to buy Infanterie Aces on another post. I found a good price on it on another site but has anyone read this and can say its worth buying?
Hey Otto, good to hear from you again. I forgot to respond to the email you wrote awhile ago and your post reminded me about it. Firstly, heres a url that has Grenadiers (from what ive heard a really good book) listed for $33.60 as opposed to Amazon's $42. Scroll down some and youll see a pic of it. _________ And as far as WWIIOL goes, its buggy as heck! Words cant describe the stress that this game has put me through after waiting for almost two years on it! It WILL be a very good game, right now however, it was launched early because the developer and publisher were running low on cash and had to get it out. I have never played a more buggy piece of software, and its currently uninstalled as I am waiting on new patches to come out before I try to play again. Id say pick it up in about a month as itll be more playable by then, but make sure to have a really awsome system. Im on a 1.7gig Dell w/ 64mg DDR Geforce3, and 128mg of RDRAM and i get 7 to .023 frames per second in city fighting just as an infantryman! Its pitiful for such an awesome machine but the software isnt optimized at all. Id like very much to join up on some ground missions with you, it should be a lot of fun once the bugs are worked out. Heres some URL's for the game: Official news site: Oberkommando der Wehrmacht: Official site: Tech Pubs: Squad Im in--2SS Panzer Division: Panzer Korps Blücher forums(of which 2SS is a member): Maybe I gave a little too much info and got off topic, but at least your now informed
Gibson, This wasn't too much at all, thanks, I was out of the loop for a bit but now I'm "back on track" so to speak!
Gibson : By the book now ! Tollehaus books cannot be beat. Greg is a great guy, tell him I said hello, bitte....... I had the original German version years ago, before it bit the dust and it's a great book for action about the 12th SS Pz. Div. Remember that this book is written by one of it's leading Kommandeurs and is slightly biased, which since he wrote it, it should be. He has tried to make it a dedication to his former Kameraden of the unit and to all Waffen SS veterans. Incidently if you can find and older copy of the German version, it will go for around $75.00 to 150.00 plus ! E.
stuff. Also might have found a useful link or two in there. If into gaming try Talonsoft games--they is too.
I did order it today, for some reason the expres ordering online was down for a day or two. I also bought Condemned to Live: A Panzer Artilleryman's Five Front War. Cant remember the author but it looked something along the lines of In Deadly Combat, Forgotten Soldier, Soldat, etc. Anyone know anything about it?
I WISH I could order it, but I am getting ready to buy a Norwegian SS unit Collar Tab this tab is in excellent condition and had the three rampant lions on it I got a decent deal on it from a huge collectables company located I think in Alberta, Canada--up in Ottos neck of the woods.