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Its true, Hitler has only one ball.....

Discussion in 'WWII Today' started by C.Evans, Oct 12, 2001.

  1. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    This was circulating in the pubs in England 1939-1049.

    "Hitler Has Only One Ball"

    Hitler, he only had one ball,
    Goering, he had two but very small,
    Himmler, had something simmler, But poor old Goebbles had no balls at all.

    Frankfurt has only one beer hall, Stuttgart, die Munchen all on call,
    Munich, vee lift out tunich,
    To show vee, 'Cherman' have no balls at all.

    Hans Otto is very short, not tall,
    Arid blotto, for drinking Singhai and Skol,
    A 'Cherman', unlike Bruce Irwin,
    Because Hans Otto has no balls at all.


    Not intended to insult anyone--specially our/my German friends (and you know my way of thinking). This was a song going around England in those days.
  2. Stefan

    Stefan Cavalry Rupert

    Jul 29, 2001
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    Hitler, has only got one ball,
    The other, is in the albert hall,
    His mother, the dirty bugger,
    Cut it off when he was small.

    She threw it, into a chestnut tree,
    It fell, into the deep blue see,
    And the fishes, got out their dishes,
    And the scollops had bolloks for tea.

    That aint intended to offend, just add another verse. The same applies to this which I wrote yesterday while very bored:

    Bin Laden, has only got one ball,
    The other, is very very small,
    The lord Allah (they call him father),
    Made it so when he wasnt tall.

    I am trying to make up another verse.
  3. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Ah ha ha ha ha, thanks Stefen, I enjoyed the second verse. I NEEDED that after a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong day at work.

    Liked your bin (Not gitten) laiden version. ;)

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