Von Poop just became a 1,000 posts veteran last week also, let's not forget him either. That, means we now have 29 Veteran Rogues with at least 1,000 posts! Not bad for this little forum is it?
Seems like only yesterday. At Least a couple a dozen of you folks ought to write your own books (I know, many do), or at least edit others. The rest of us will just learn from the best. If you need or want to know about World War II this is the place ! Congratulations V P !!, your posts are always "Middle of the road", and "Top-Notch". How do you achieve the mix so effortlessly ? Well done Za !!
Congrats to the new thousandites, vPoop and skunk. Cheers to you both, der PanzerPenguin is pleased with you both.
Von Poop a 1,000er too? I hadn't noticed it, cheers for him too! Low on number of posts (relatively speaking of course) but top on Reputation. How's that for a Popularity/Number of Posts ratio ??? Next Veterans will probably be: Joe, Willconqr and Peppy!!!