I don't what it is about me but I love national pride and not just for my home country. I love national pride in general. This means everything from Government, to Anthems, to Flags, to Colors, all the way down to the people and culture. Their are ones I like more than others but in general I just love to see people show their pride for their nations. I just love hearing a nation's anthem, seeing the flag wave and hearing the people blare out the lyrics in love of their nations. Who agrees with me on this.
I agree. Just how we protected Finland during the war against the USSR in Winter War and 1944 in Tali-Ihantala. Like Mannerheim said " If you now retreat you have no home to return."
We also have this inner pride called "sisu". It comes out to help you when everything else seems vanished the Canadians have their shirt we have a little more. We never surrender.all yours kph
I prefer nationalism over the alternative. I don't care for the American national anthem. High "C" that can't be sung and the tune was originally a tavern drinking song. I'd rather have Columbia,the Gem of the Ocean (Popeye tune when he beats people up). That at least can be sung by the average person. In the Civil War era, it was just as popular as the Star Spangled Banner. When I was young, I did a lot of international travel. When I got into Civil War research, I saw a lot of America. What a beautiful country. Explored many of the battlefields in the East and recently the Midwest. So many things to see or do. Even before studying the Civil War, I spent a lot of time in New England and visited Seven Year Wars/French & Indian War and American Revolution sites there.
It is good to understand the history of your country. It makes you also more proud of the forefathers and the flag.
I don't put much stock in national pride or patriotism. While that can inspire people to do great things, it can also inspire great evils.
Barbara Tuchman's The Proud Tower comes to mind. Be proud but not misled. I don't support a lot of things that happen right now. Washington's Farewell Address seems to have been forgotten by America.
..a lot of evils are inspired by things other than national pride .....such as Stalin's pre-war murders-starvation/etc on his own country.....Pol Pot also....Rwanda/etc ....hitler was only able to take over so much because he lived in a powerful, industrious, organized, etc country ....a lot of Germans were against hitler and his policies.....so, it's kind of hard --if not impossible-- to measure/etc how national pride is a significant cause of evils
I wouldn't call what Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot or Mao did a matter of national pride or patriotism. I see it as a purge to impose more control over the survivors. Step out of line and we've a spot in the gulag or mass burial site for you.
What Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. Did was not out of national pride. But national pride was one of the best tools in the toolbox for manipulating people to do the leader's will. Germans vs. Untermensch, Enemies of the State/People, etc. It all boils down to national pride/patriotism.
It's a c It's a complex issue. Hitler and the Chinese commies were able to gain much leverage out of national pride in part because their countries had been humiliated - or perceived as such by their people (Germany at Versailles and China by the Western powers and Japan). I think nationalism is also being used in the current Ukrainian crisis by the leaders from both sides, even if in reality Ukrainians and Russians are brother nations and the main issues faced by their people are poverty, corruption etc. But that doesn't mean that nationalism and patriotism, or other things like religion, etc are intrinsically bad, it depends on how they are used.
..some Rwandans, Cambodians, and Russians thought the same---we will kill our fellow countryman to help our nation
Many Germans, Rawandans, Cambodian, and Russians thought the same was as the denounced their family, friends, neighbors, etc. to help their nation.