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Otto - Kinmount, Ontario, Canada

Discussion in 'WW2 Forums/Forces Postal Service' started by Otto, Sep 4, 2016.

  1. Otto

    Otto GröFaZ Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    Jan 1, 2000
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    DFW, Texas
    Username: Otto
    Postmark: 24 August 2016
    From: Kinmount, Ontario, Canada

    I made an short notice trip to Canada a couple weeks ago and stopped by the beautiful little town of Kinmount, Ontario. With a population of just 500 very friendly people it surprisingly had a whole lot to offer. It had a massive park and playground which exhausted my two year old son, and liquor/beer store (LCBO) with a small but quality selection, and a delicious fish & chip shop that is accessible by both vehicle and canoe.

    The town is soaked in Canadian history, being an integral stop on one of the first rail lines in the nation, for which it has a small railway museum. The postcard depicts the original Austin sawmill in the town, which is still standing today. In fact this postcard was sent from the town's lone post office from which this very sawmill is visible about a hundred meters away.

    Despite having such a small population, Kinmount sent a good number of soldiers off to WWI & WWII, and a monument was erected in the town to commemorate the fallen. I took many photos and will be posting a few snaps and hopefully some background on the five Second World War soldiers listed on the monument.



    Remember to check the WW2 Forums/Forces Postal Service Map for a look at our growing list of all WW2F/FPS submissions.
    macrusk, GRW, Poppy and 1 other person like this.

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