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Patton overrated

Discussion in 'Western Europe 1943 - 1945' started by roscoe, Jan 15, 2023.

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  1. roscoe

    roscoe Guest

    Have I been into the US Treasury Archives? No but I know a man who has. (I met him through my daughter). He wrote a book that a certain man you may have heard of say that the contents of the book are absolutely true.
    That man was Allen Welsh Dulles, I take you've heard of him.

    What's a Semite? A question I always ask and 99% of those I ask get it wrong.
  2. RichTO90

    RichTO90 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    Dude, you claimed to know the names of three SAS men buried near Bure and commemorated at Hereford. What are their names? If you have the names my belief shouldn't matter. So what are they?

    Hitting the bottle are you? You're getting incoherent again. Are you talking about a German supply unit in the Reichswald?
  3. roscoe

    roscoe Guest

    I see it is happening - my posts are being deleted. Too much for yeh huh?

    Another event I have to report back to HQ.

    I took some time getting back to you on the Hugh Trevor-Roper comment. I nearly choked on my breakfast at the mere mention of the name.

    Perhaps we ought to do a whole thread on the merits of Hugh Trevor-roper.
  4. roscoe

    roscoe Guest

    The SAS names? Fayette Pinkney, Valerie Holiday and Sheila Ferguson. They've reassigned their agenda. Here perhaps you might send a donation. THE SPECIAL AIR SERVICE REGIMENTAL ASSOCIATION - Charity 254393

    Hail to Mars and Minerva. protect us from those with equal amounts of ignorance and arrogance.

    You really don't know much beyond the official narrative do you?

    With my posts getting deleted. When will I see you again?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2023
  5. RichTO90

    RichTO90 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    Jaazus but I've had more coherent conversations with my cat and he's dead now.

    Sigh...I called Irving an anti-Semite. I'm not sure why that requires a definition of the word Semite? An anti-Semite is defined as a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jewish people, at least according to Oxford Languages. A Semite though is anyone who speaks a Semitic language, so including Jews and Arabs, but also Ethiopians, Eritreans, Sudanese, and Aramaic speakers in the Levant. The joys of the English language.
  6. RichTO90

    RichTO90 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    So you're a simple liar as well as a conspiracy nutjob troll. Thanks for making that clear.
  7. roscoe

    roscoe Guest

    So anyone who criticizes an Arab is an anti Semite then? So these wars against Arab countries are Anti-Semitic then? So ipso facto the western alliance is Anti-Semitic. Yes?

    One could accuse Captain William L McGonagle and Phil Tourney as being anti-semitic.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2023
  8. RichTO90

    RichTO90 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    So not only are you a liar and a troll, you also lack simple reading comprehension and cognitive skills.

    What did I say? "An anti-Semite is defined as a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jewish people." The Oxford Dictionary definition is:

    an·ti-Sem·ite /ˌanˌtīˈseˌmīt,ˌan(t)ēˈseˌmīt/ noun: anti-Semite; plural noun: anti-Semites; noun: antisemite; plural noun: antisemites: a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jewish people.

    How in the world do you think you can get to "So anyone who criticizes an Arab is an anti Semite then?" from that simple declarative sentence and definition? Oh, right, by being a lying, trolling ignoramus.

    ig·no·ra·mus /ˌiɡnəˈrāməs,ˌiɡnəˈraməs/ noun: ignoramus; plural noun: ignoramuses: an ignorant or stupid person.
  9. RichTO90

    RichTO90 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    Sorry, duplicate post due to the site's slowness.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2023
  10. RichTO90

    RichTO90 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    Sorry, duplicate post.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2023
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