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Role play simulator forum II WW

Discussion in 'Historical RolePlay' started by germagno, May 19, 2015.

  1. germagno

    germagno New Member

    May 19, 2015
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    Hi to everybody!! I am writing here to present all of you an interesting simulator game of the II WW:


    First of all. I have to say you that the page is still in spanish. But maybe if you know a little of spanish you can try it.
    ok. So, now about the game:

    If you like strategy war games you are in the perfect site! It is about a geopolitical simulator of the second world war in which you assume the control of a country you decide to play with. Obviously is a multiplayer online game and another people manage the another countries so you have to interact with them.
    It is partially similar like the board game know as T.E.G. in spanish (War´s Tactical and estrategical). Do you know it?

    An explanation a little deeper about the game:
    It is a turn-base game. Each turn has a duration of 1 month (or 4 weeks being exactly). One turn it represent a year in the game. It begin in the year of 1935. Actually we are in the 4th week of the first turn (so it is the 4th quarter of 1935: October-November-December 1935). The playable countries right now are: Japan, ee.uu, Germany, U.R.S.S., Italy and France.
    You have to register in the page and ask to the Administrator to play in some of the countries I listed before and once the Administrator give you the permission you will have access to your country´s forum.
    In order to play you will need two things:
    *Google map of your country and knowledge of how to edit a map. Here you will distribute your army like you wish and build your empire.
    *An excel spreadsheet that basically has all the finances of your country. This is maybe the more complex part but do not worry that i can help you to understand it. Here you will find boxes you can edit where you have to introduce the changes you want. For example in the militar recruitment section you can introduce how many military units you want to recruit for the next turn. All the changes you do will be calculated by The excel spreadsheet.

    Hope you encourage to join.
    Thanks for your time.
  2. Guni

    Guni New Member

    May 23, 2015
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    I'd love to try it ouy. How far are you with English translation? :)

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