Please take a look at your post.We are all very helpful here.However we need a fighting chance as to what you are asking.Any supporting documents or photos will aid us in helping you.(discharge papers, his serial #.,etc)
Daddy is on the right of the pics his service number is 34399577 after daddy returned from overseas they sent him and others to Miami Florida for rehab.
I am not trying to be difficult.Please ask a direct question.Your thread title and content do not give a clue as to what information you are looking for.
Looking for paperwork on my daddy during captivity and after the Stalag was liberated and the date the Stalag was liberated. Did they not do a physical on the POWs or a list of POWs that my daddy was in.
Co. E was the 2nd Battalion, 157th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division aka The Thunderbirds. He was captured during Operation Northwind; which was adjunct and in support of the main thrust in the Ardennes. The story of the 3rd Battalion and its capture at Reipertswiller is told in Alex Kershaw's The Liberator. You also want to pick up Johann Voss' Black Edelweiss about the SS Gebirgjager (Mountain Soldier) Regiment that encircled the 3/157 and captured it. The SS gebirgjagers admired the resistance put up by the trapped 3/157 and fed them after the battle. Also see pages 136-9 of the divisional history, Forty-Fifth Infantry Division. Just checked out the images. Soldiers got transferred and your father may have been in the 3rd Battalion when he was captured and transferred to the 2nd before discharge. Stuff like that happened to keep in-service units up to strength. Check out this link: The Battle of Reipertswiller You may want to write the Thunderbird Museum in Oklahoma City. They might have some information too. Museum is worthy of a visit. PS. Interlibrary loan is your friend.