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Sunshine and swastikas

Discussion in 'Prelude to War & Poland 1939' started by PzJgr, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. PzJgr

    PzJgr Drill Instructor

    Dec 19, 2000
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    Jefferson, OH
    This collection of rare color photos of Berlin in 1937, taken by Thomas Neumann and uncovered from Norwegian archives, show life in the German capital during a tumultuous decade. They capture scenes in the vibrant city, which was under the iron grip of Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich at the very height of his power. Yet just eight years later the city was in ruins as Russians and Allies occupied it in victory.

    But at the time these images were taken, Hitler's Berlin was vibrant. Hitler had taken power after the collapse of the democratic Weimar Republic in 1933 as severe economic problems caused by the Great Depression drove ordinary Germans into the far-right party's arms. As well as chilling pictures of buildings emblazoned with swastikas, there are scenes of ordinary life as Germans go about their business. They show a child in a sun-drenched square, smiling friends at a train station, a cart selling bananas and a food vendor in a sunny park.

    Read more: Sunshine and swastikas: Rare colour pictures of 1930s Berlin show carefree life in Hitler¿s capital before war that reduced it to rubble | Mail Online

  2. Poppy

    Poppy grasshopper

    Apr 9, 2008
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    Were colour pictures unusual back in '37?...Thinking they were. Nice one. Pz
  3. PzJgr

    PzJgr Drill Instructor

    Dec 19, 2000
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    Jefferson, OH
    The color pics do give us a better perspective of how the Nazis used the decorations to capture one's attention. Looking at military parades with the different colored uniforms also gives one a sense of awe. The Nazis knew what they were doing.
  4. Colby4780

    Colby4780 recruit

    Dec 19, 2012
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    You are absolutely correct. The Nazis were excellent decorators and designers who knew how to grab the utmost attention of people.

    Here, a picture of the Brandenburg Gate on Hitler's 50th birthday is an excellent example as well. Notice the pillars with the gold eagle and swastikas on top and the German troops at parade rest. Along with the decor, the uniforms also look very sharp as well.


    More color photographs are here:
    HISTORY IN PICTURES: RARE, UNSEEN PICTURES: BE THERE: Rare color pictures of Nazi Germany: Part 2

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