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the RPG-7

Discussion in 'Non-World War 2 History' started by Zable Fahr, Apr 12, 2004.

  1. sinissa

    sinissa New Member

    Nov 25, 2006
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    I reed a long thime a go,if i remember corect operation "Anaconda",in Afganistan,in Tora-Bora mountans against talibans.Operation was pore disaster,in logistic,planing,executing.They thinked that the face 200-300 talibans,but there was around 2000 taliban,but it was really interesting note about RPG-7 usage,but Vs chopers.Several chopers was hit by RPG,and i think only 1 was blow off,but trought the rest it fly trought like a paper,and did not explode.
    Conclusio was that RPG did not detonate from 2 reasons:
    1.They use old ammo,probably badly stored.
    2.RPG is made for anti armor role,so hes design 2 impact on hit in hard surface (armor),choper r made from light and thin materials,so he practicly just pierced it.
    It was not that relaible source,any1 know something about that?

    Edit:name off operation is Anaconda,not cobra (some sneak anyway:)
  2. FNG phpbb3

    FNG phpbb3 New Member

    Feb 22, 2005
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    Manchester, UK
    via TanksinWW2

    The RPG's used in Iraq are 15 years old and therefore not a good example to use at how poor they are.

    A modern russian RPG made in Russia for Russian troops will be far more effective

  3. sinissa

    sinissa New Member

    Nov 25, 2006
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    Ya,especialy this one:RPG-29 Vampire
    caliber: 105 mm barrel; 65/105mm warheads
    Type: rocket booster
    Overall length: 1850 mm ready to fire; 1000 mm disassembled for transportation
    Weight: 12.1 kg unloaded, with optical sight; 18.8 kg loaded and ready to fire
    Effective range: up to 500 m
    Armour penetration: ERA plus more than 600 mm RHA
    They was used against IDF in Lebanon,and they aparently made heawy losses on IDF.It has tandem war-head so it can penetrate reactive armor.If old RPG-7 can desable r destroy tank,this baby is nightmare for them.

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