i love the iowa (mostly becouse i live in iowa) and besides it would be fun haveing a 40 ton monster in my front lawn'
and let her become our own private cruise shipan average tank ways about 40 tons, a tiger up to 60. so, a tiger is havier then one huge battleschip no, lets get serious, you just forgot to type 3 more "0"'s. we forgive you (if you take us on your new fishing boat ) Ps: hey, why not, if we al put a small amount of money asside we can buy her and let her become our own private cruise ship
Yeah, right... and if female soldiers looked half as good in real life as they do in magazines I wouldn't have left the army after 8 weeks!
so, are we going to buy that fishing boat or not i assume roel has a lot of money (if he sells his drawings)
hmm, they should rebuild the former bridge and "remodernize" it back to 1944s Standards. Looks pretty much better in 1944 then today Regards, Che.
euhm, i can't see the pictures, only a small red X wich means, can't display them. am i the only one or is this a general problem???