Hey all, if you visit germany you must must go to Kiel there is a wonderful Submarine U-995. It´s incredible to walk through this boat, woth to see it. (Maybe known by our european users.) Regards, Che.
a rather dry envirioment for a u boat don't you tink? thanks for the tip. now i just need to get enough money (and some free tme) to make a visit to kiel
Wait I´ve a list of nearly all subs, which are on display in germany. So if you have enough time come and see Brandtaucher in Kiel (I think it was the first german sub) U 1 in München(Munich) the first Sub of the Kaiser´s fleet (14.12.1906) Kleinst-U-Boot Hecht in Dresden Kleinst-U-Boot Seehund in Speyer Kleinst-U-Boot Seehund in Wilhelmshaven Kleinst-U-Boot Molch in Dresden Kleinst-U-Boot Seehund in Koblenz Kleinst-U-Boot Biber in Speyer Kleinst-U-Boot Biber in Emmerich am Rhein Ein-Mann-Torpedo Neger in Speyer U-995 in Laboe/Kiel U-2540 in Bremerhaven After WW2 U 9 in Speyer U 10 in Wilhelmshaven U 461 in Peenemünde H.M.S. OTUS in Sassnitz U 434 in Hamburg
wow, pack your bags and come to germany mateys if you want to see every uboat class btw: wasn't u505 the first u boat captured by the americans and towed away by CVE Gaudacanal??
Wow There is a much more impressive museum in chicago, with U-505 http://www.msichicago.org/press/u505/ximgs/space14.jpg http://www.msichicago.org/press/u505/ximgs/newsub3.jpg Great pics http://www.msichicago.org/press/u505/
yeeha, how much does a ticket brussels chicago cost? if not to expencive, my bags will be packed very fast
I have actually seen this. Sadly I did not expect it to be there, and had left my camera back at the Youth Hostel (a few miles away) :angry: