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"Unity Of Command" forum

Discussion in 'Unity of Command' started by JeffinMNUSA, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. JeffinMNUSA

    JeffinMNUSA Member

    Jun 7, 2008
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    Hi guys;
    Well on your say so I just downloaded a copy and I am going through the rules right now....Looks good! My first love will always be the old AH, SPI, and GDW's (curse the day I sold them off!) but this one looks to be a winner. There is a forum I will have to go through when I get the time... http://unityofcommand.net/forums/

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  2. Hawkerace

    Hawkerace Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    Yes, I've played a lot of Unity of Command, get their red tide expansion as well, it is amazing. Also have to add that there is a lot of good user scenarios.

    The game itself, plays like a roguelike - turn based that is very punishing, and random events (just the weather, but that can mean very different outcomes).

    As well as plausible scenarios if specific objectives are met, like a brilliant victory at stalingrad would push the Germans to take further into Siberia.

    It is insanely satisfying to watch panzer divisions or the soviet mechanized to blitz through and essentially destroy divisions in single throws, and to exploit holes in the defence line.

    amazing game!
  3. JeffinMNUSA

    JeffinMNUSA Member

    Jun 7, 2008
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    YEah I picked up the Red Turn expansion and it all looks good-I guess you all know where I will be spending this evening! There is one thing I would like to share with anyone out there thinking to pick up this fantastic game series-BUY IT FROM THE UNITY OF COMMAND WEBSITE! I was having all manner of troubles trying to get my Amazon loaded UofC to jibe with my Amazon loaded Red Turn and would still be nowhere if I hadn't contacted UoC directly (thank you Tomislav and Bruno!).
  4. Otto

    Otto GröFaZ Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    Jan 1, 2000
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    DFW, Texas
    So I have two questions about the game, and would appreciate some feedback on those who have plated it.

    How similar/dissimilar is it to Panzer general? PG did a great job of establishing a good flow of battle, and I'm wondering if the playability is similar to that. Not necessarily the same mechanics as PG, but rather a n immersive, smooth experience.

    How good is the multiplayer function? Does it work well? Are tournaments something that we can organize easily?

    Is it worth making a UoC subforum here on WW2F?
  5. JeffinMNUSA

    JeffinMNUSA Member

    Jun 7, 2008
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    So far so fantastic-if you are an old wargamer you will take to this one like a duck to water; and yes it plays as smooth as silk! Here is a screen shot of one of the Red Turn scenarios...

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  6. Hawkerace

    Hawkerace Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    It is an insanely charismatic and smooth experience playing it. It's more like hexagonial chess with a slice of chance. There is a deceptively complex mechanics buried underneath the calm user interface, as well as many components and random acts (weather and dice rolls for attacks) that make every single engagement up in the air. Also, the utmost important factor is chain of supply. Your units can go past your supply which makes them weak and unable to attack, and suspectable to counter attacks. Encircling troops is very important for proper victories, especially for brilliant and decisive ones. There is a supply tab to make sure this is in effect, I always check it before I end my turn!

    I don't know if it's important or big enough to make it a sub forum, but I highly suggest you give it a chance. I've invested roughly 40-50 hours in it, since I purchased it in december.
    I purchased it on Steam however.

    The multiplayer although I only tried it once but it is a bit iffy, I will admit. It would work perfectly with hamachi though. There's also lan, and hotseat functions.

    There is no save in a battle though, that is the rogue-like mechanic to it. If the battle does not seem favourable, you tend to have to revert the battle and restart again, which seems painful in thought but really the load times and mechanics make it a breeze until you get the perfect exploits and formula to make the reds drop their weapons and retreat infront of your panzer divisions.

    Did I mention their are amazing user scenarios?
  7. JeffinMNUSA

    JeffinMNUSA Member

    Jun 7, 2008
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    You are right...feels good! And I finally won one, so I guess I won't get called back to Moscow and shot. These victory conditions are kind of weird..but OK..."objective is everything!" So I find myself throwing the bloody infantry into multiple attacks on key points at horrendous odds- just like actually happened. I think I am about ready for Bagration and I will tell you right now-the designers underplay the historical role of the Partisans in this operation!

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  8. Hawkerace

    Hawkerace Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    Partisans are probably toned down a bit for balance, especially if the game has multiplayer. I do agree with you, but cutting supply lines is so deadly.
  9. JeffinMNUSA

    JeffinMNUSA Member

    Jun 7, 2008
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    Why the Axis forces were so utterly savage on anything that looked vaguely Partisan. If the UoC scenario was like it was in 1944 it would not be much of a game at all. Getting better at these simpler ones... and one thing you learn is to grab every bit of contigious road hexes you can run your tanks over, as it makes for supply connections the in later turns.

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  10. Hawkerace

    Hawkerace Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    Dug in Panzer divisions are insanely hard to knock out if you don't have artillery. You're best off starving them. Which you already know by your photo.

    Here's one for you to brew over my friend. The Scenario is operation solstice on the web. It's insanely challenging, but possible.

  11. JeffinMNUSA

    JeffinMNUSA Member

    Jun 7, 2008
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    YIKES! That is one saber toothed tiger of an SS division! Best guess would be to cut his supply and then box him in with entrenched infantry and a powerfull armored unit or two closeby. If he gets loose in your rear... "Off the web" you say? Well maybe somewhere down the pike...

    PS. Prestige points do not carry over from scenario to scenario do they? I am guessing they only apply in the campaign game and am spending them like water in the scenarios.

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  12. Hawkerace

    Hawkerace Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    Oh, lol. This scenario mission - you're the Germans, which makes it so much more dangerous and glorious. Especially against all those odds.

    Yes, the campaign is just the scenarios stringed along with rewards - prestige, so you can reinforce or bring out the elite of each side.

    I find the German scenario/campaign all the more difficult because of the juice you have to squeeze out of so little. The Soviets more or less just throw everything at German divisions until you break them. However, doing so in enough rounds to do so.


    location of said scenario.

    Good hunting :)
  13. JeffinMNUSA

    JeffinMNUSA Member

    Jun 7, 2008
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    I was saying "if" I see that saber toothed tiger of an SS DIv in my next scenario. Be fun to play it sometime. I did see a couple SS but they were not such tough guys at all. Still feeling my way around this thing...

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  14. Otto

    Otto GröFaZ Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    Jan 1, 2000
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    DFW, Texas
    I'm very close to buying this game. The demo was very nice. Seems like a good updated version of Panzer General, which was a poor simulation, but such a good game no one cared.
  15. Hawkerace

    Hawkerace Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    I really do invite you to get it Otto, it's been such a great experience. The graphics and interface are very standard and easy to grasp which to me means an instant classic that wont really look bad five years from now as opposed to some of those older games and their mechanics.

    I would also love to hear more of your stories Jeff, as well as Otto's if he proceeds. I smile because I've been in those situations as well.
  16. JeffinMNUSA

    JeffinMNUSA Member

    Jun 7, 2008
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    I beat a medium scenario game last night-Vistula went rather well but Berlin? Well it seems nearly impossible to take the capitol in the final turn. A word to the wise-make sure you are finished checking out dispositions before you commence hostilities. It has happened to me a couple of times that I set off an unintended combat or movement and you find yourself charging into the scenario.

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  17. JeffinMNUSA

    JeffinMNUSA Member

    Jun 7, 2008
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    PS. The southern pincer at the beginning of the Kursk (Zitadelle) scenario...I am thinking that a break to cut the supply lines at Olkhavatka might be the thing to do-but the Russki has plenty of supply centers and moreover; their Central Steppe units will be appearing soon and maybe the best course is to concentrate on the objective.

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  18. Hawkerace

    Hawkerace Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    Kursk is a super tough nut to crack. I've never got better then just a regular German victory.

    Berlin however, is a very easy scenario hehe. You just need to save your tank/mec divisions with artillery to bust the garrison in Berlin.
    (Also this is where prestige would help the burden very much so)
  19. JeffinMNUSA

    JeffinMNUSA Member

    Jun 7, 2008
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    I'll remember that on Berlin....Kursk? Well Russki busted into my Southern supply base on Turn 3 and that was that. Have to try it again sometime but it does seem that this was an extremely risky gamble.

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  20. Hawkerace

    Hawkerace Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    After a breakthrough on the first turns of any map. I always make sure to have one unit remaining in the back, usually a general infantry division or whatever lesser unit you can provide. Even anything, they act as a beacon which the enemy AI evaluates, and to your opponent blocks their breach considerably more then if it were not there. It might take two rounds to circumvent you and take our your supply or whatnot. Any extra time can mean life or death in the game.

    It's tough seeing how the game will be in the long run, as opposed to turn you commit. You gotta remember they'll exploit a breach or breakthrough just as much as you would them 8)

    I always find these scenarios make me thing - what was GERMANY thinking?! And to pull it off, even beyond expectations - incredible luck and maneuver.
    I managed to mangle the soviet tank divisions and pincered perfectly.

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