Sounds good. There have been 3 or more in the past few days advertising things they want to sell in different parts of the Forums.
Heres another one LOL. How about a "Personalities" forum? This one to discuss the people and persons that were involved in the war?
Its great to have such threads etc, but it really depends on how much they would be used. I haven't seen many threads discussing the personalites of important figures of WWII, so would disagree with such a thread.
There is also the dilutive effect to consider. As the number of forum areas are increased, fewer eyes are likely to see each forum. By having a limited number of forum areas, we have to look around in more areas to find all of the threads of interest. That is a good thing, methinks!
The reason I was thinking of those were mainly for two reasons. The first is the recent thread and posts in another thread discussing Hitler and the other the recent advertising of books and other items in some of the other forums here recently. IMO If there were a forum for each the some would only have to search for the apropriate forum and VIOLA!!! find what they are looking for .
Not enough 'traffic' to warrant. One thread is not nearly reason enough to devote an entire area to it. I think things are fine the way they are right now in regards to it.
For the "Vendor" or " For sale or Trade" type of thread there have certainly been more then "one thread". The "Stalingrad" by Manfred Kehrig" thread being just the lastest of a few in the last couple weeks. The same goes for personalities. Hitler's Madness and posts along with the "Favorite Marshal?" and Was Hitler an illiterate? threads for examples.
Three threads is hardly enough to spur a new forum. And like I said, we're working on a Vendors/For Sale Forum already, since that is far enough different then the rest of the Forum that it warrants it.
Keep the suggestions coming! Now is the time to let us know what you want as we are re-organizing the forum structure for 2009.
A playpen.... The freezone is good...but we all know and can suffer from how shall I say...playful idocy...not my sort of course...One should always make the divide between idiocy and constructive enlightenment...Just ask ZA... But any posts that go above the level of normal rationale...or even subjective...Did Hitler have one ball type...could find a home diverted to the playpen...then folk will know what likely responses will be... Different from Freezone as posts from all threads can be diverted by the mods. Of course this still allows freezone to debate outragous happenings in the world...but one step up from a playpen ridiculousness....My threads and posts would rarely if ever make an appearance in there obviously....
Maybe there should be a forum called 'Flights of Fancy" LOL ? That way some of the more fanciful or fantasy based threads posted by some here can have thier own little world to live in? LOL
See Alternate History Discussion Board . I just love The Twilight Zone, "Where Pigs Fly and Nazis Win WW2" As for the rest, the Free Fire Zone we already have fits the bill to a nicety
There is an "Ignore" feature LOL. For the Fantasy forum have no title for it just one or more of these LOL. ,,:circlejerk:.