I used to eat a lot of it but not so much anymore. I liked it fried or just out of the can, sliced and made into a sandwich with mayonnaise. But fried with three eggs over lght is a good breakfast!
Showed a can of "Bacon flavored" Spam to Boss Lady? "So, they have flavored Spam now? I guess they ARE open to new ideas."
Just notieced 3 posts all less than 20 minutes old that looked like spam. Went to check them out and they were already removed. Bravo to the admins. Thanks.
Yeah they have been bad lately, worse than I recall seeing in recent memory. I've been flushing on average one every other day and others are cleaning the up too. Hopefully the move to a improved server/format may reduce their number.
why do they call it spam? the computer thing, not the food thing. . .if spam (food ) is good, then spam (computer) must also be good.
SPiced hAM. SPAM. AND To answer DP Morgan's question about why unsolicited e-mail is called Spam. Before the internet became commercialised and unsolicited commercial e-mail was sent the name spam was given to sending the same mail several times for no good reason. This was because of the Monty Python 'spam,spam,spam' sketch.
About 24 hours ago I began to see a huge increase in spam, malware, phishing, etc. Roughly 20 attempts. I run paid Bitdefender and it reports all these and says they are blocked or quarantined. so either it is working or they are telling me how good they are and in fact, no attempts have happened! Ummmmm Is Bitdefender itself spam ?>? I would be the last to know. I suspect with one of the free anti-viruses plus windows defender I would be fairly okay. But I have learned the closer Bitdefender gets to it's ending date it starts giving me better deals. It could be a petite-ransomware scam But my five-year-old Dell desktop keeps chugging along.
howdy G. the more I work with these infernal machines, the more frustrated. it seems deliberate in how we have to constantly adapt to versions or protocols. .. lousy tech support. best wishes Mr G. dont mind me when I espouse.