I felt like Thor when I wielded the "Ban Hammer". One click and then a chuckle and a grin. I dubbed it Bjolnir!
You're right. Banning spammers is a heady experience. I've killed more than a few and relegated their posts into the Spam folder with no redirects. An awesome feeling.
True dat. Pigs to have standards. Low standards, but they are standards in the clinical sense of the word.
I know a guy in Indiana who raises pampered pigs. Seriously pampered. A/C in the summer, classical music year round, fabulous sanitation. (Pigs can be taught to flush, who knew. And they teach the youngin'.) But I'll never taste any more of his product, production is booked for about 30 years, all going to Europe. This is by way of an apology to pigs
I want to know how he taught the pigs to flush. BTW, we don't have the water in this area to have flush toilets for animals.
Had another friend when I was in the Army that was from back in the hills around Blacksburg Virginia. His grandfather was a big pig farmer and as a kid he had to help. He used to always say there's only two things' pigs won't eat, shoes and cucumbers.
Perhaps not. They are going to have military rehearsals with Belarus infantry, Chinese Navy in Asia and if I recall correctly their own Navy in the Black Sea area at the same time soon. Electronic interference would suitably mess the electronic use of Computers in certain countries.