Because new logo is sort of 2 colour scheme -mine is gray/ white-, took a double take when looking at new soldiers head.... Regret saying that it looked like a Chinese red star/soldier. Didn't the Chinese have similar helmets but with a red star?..I'm Left , but...Anyone else kinda notice?..There should be no doubt as to this forum's leaning. eh.
Gotta agree with you mind thinks russian/chinese too...even if it is American, its a little biased? How about a slouch hat? : )
US Brig, General's Insignia, or Soviet Star. I'd call that reasonably balanced. Gently ambiguous even. Or maybe, just maybe... It's a picture the Grofaz has used for a fair while... Personally I'm quite glad to see it back here.
Left leaning? A white star is about as American as apple pie, etc. It's funny, back in '05 or '06 I recall someone saying the logo was too US centric for their tastes. As VP stated, the logo is not "new", it's one version of our logo from way back in 2004. There are several iterations and not all have the US soldier, this is but one does. Many different version will be used, here are a few examples And for those who care, here is the source of the soldier's head in the current version.
Vote for yer hat... Bearskin Slouch hat German forage cap Monty's tank badge full beret Pattons I'm a star helmet Chinese number 1 helmet...without chips..or fries even but extra noodles.. Canadian Mountie hat RAF number one dress cap RN saucer without the cup cap Irish green way out of it 3 foot top hat with shamrock French Napoleon guard top hat. We'll see them buggers coming. Slips firemeans helmet If its to be a beret, instructions to be taken from Jugs on how to style it. No just popping on head like in movies and tv and looking like yer mum just ironed it...Wet it..put on head for 24 hours, pull it tight..shape it...Wash forehead line off when removing. Now then the uniform.....
I prefer the ''WWIIForums'' one with nothing else. Keep it simple . No little pictures for people to comment about.
Make sure it's one size too small, trim the flash backing, shave it and for the love of all that is holy tie a square knot in the draw string and clip off the ends. As for the rest of the banter: yer all a bunch of whining Marys....let the dust settle before you start complaing about the drapes. It's like washing dishes with my wife.
An odd mental image springs to mind. Is she a very small woman, or are they just very large 'Marine-size' Dishes? Or do you just sort of get her, errrm... wet... and... errr... rub... urrm dishes.... errr... on her. Y'know how sometimes one just writes stuff and then thinks 'sod it, I'll post it anyway'... I'll stop now.
That's funny was more a reference that no matter which end of the operationa I am on there is either suds or a bit of egg yolk left that she needs to address. No matter how much a reassure her: "I have done this before" I get the same rolled eyes and sigh of utter contempt with a sprinkling of disdain's a magical time.