Oops! This one belongs here. Can anyone tell me anything about these paintings I found at an estate sale this morning. The guy picked them up in Russia in the 80s. This one has a date on it. JeffinMNUSA
The first one represents the German surrender at Stalingrad in 1943 (it says Stalingrad 1943) . The second one represents a Kazak horseman and a woman in traditionnal clothing (I could decypher the word Kazak)
You may also try contacting The Museum of Russian Art in Minneapolis, to see if they can tell you anything about the artist, etc. I went there with a friend a few years ago. It's a fantastic museum.
Tommy; I dropped them an email on the subject-and thanks for the Museum tip, I will HAVE to get there and soon. JeffinMNUSA
I don't speak Russian , but my guess is from Kazakstan. The horseman makes it more confusing I agree. A Russian language speaker may want to confirm this.
From Wikipedia - translated from Russian ..... kazaki are a group of predominantly East Slavic people who became known as members of democratic, semi-military communities, predominately located in Ukraine and Russia" That is Cossacks.
Cossacks then! Excellent! Some of the best music in the world for some reason or another! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MAngjlaVnM JeffinMNUSA
So the rider was an allusion to this ethnic group. Few people know they have been persecuted by Stalin .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FslK31xEoH0 It is a fact that Buffalo Bill's Wild West show over here in the US in the 19th century featured a troop of Cossack horsemen doing their incredible feats of horsemanship. The Cossacks were too wild, too independent, and too magnificent, and too associated with Tsarist rule, for Iosif Visarianovich's liking-and the Cossack people suffered terribly under his misrule. The Great Patriotic War found a great many Cossacks siding with the Axis against their tormentor, with tragic results. http://www.ukemonde.com/genocide/margolisholocaust.html
Hi; More off the "Stalingrad 1943" oil painting...can anyone make anything of the Artist's signature? Thanks! JeffinMNUSA
Bill Cosby?? j/k, of course. I suspect Skipper will be more helpful, since I can't even read Cyrillic block letters let alone handwriting.